Mmmh I guess the assaulter mkb would do. It does similar damage per bullet than the m1carbine does, does it not?
I might use the mkb42h for a single squad. Might skip the ppsh41 for germany though. (Too many mannlicher rifles squads to use)
Mmmh I guess the assaulter mkb would do. It does similar damage per bullet than the m1carbine does, does it not?
I might use the mkb42h for a single squad. Might skip the ppsh41 for germany though. (Too many mannlicher rifles squads to use)
yes with it being .8 higher
good idea to add some tanks or planes camo(orginal or army) … BUT guys dont feel happy its asian devs … just w8 until they add some sweet hello kitty skins in sweet skin boxes …
There wont be SS decals.
We could pretend that officers having skulls and bones on their hat are merely honorary pirates, it wouldbe alright then, right…?
Joking aside, when I was truly young I thought the “bad guys” in those war movies were some sort of pirates for real
to be fair, pirates are kind of badass
well, it’s a bit of a shame ( no, not because we don’t have “funny windmils” ) , but because we would not get the cool eagles and other insignas on the helmets…
they could at least denazificate them like they did on posters…
but we’ll see
It is a shame…
I love history and despise any forms of censorship of it… It’s like removing parts of it, or making a farce of what truly happened and thus in fact disrespecting those who fought the things which are censored, as thought it never existed.
But that’s me I suppose. People today are so afraid of offending anyone or anything even, that silly censorship laws exist that DF/Gaijin have no choice abiding to to conclude good business…
Its just a guess but well… if we dont even get swastika flags in Berlin, then we surely wont get emblems of Himmlers fancy fan-club (though we already have SS units at least in Normandy).
Maybe we get user-made Nazi and SS skins in the future like on WT.
Meh. More like due to law issues in certain nations. Not that the Russians are going to invade your home to wipe out fascism on your computer.
is a free special repair operation for save the computer corrupted by fascism malware
Oof I resisted the urge to post a bad joke that would get me in trouble, don’t let doors open like that for me!
“Russia Inc. is not responsible for hardware issues, better CSGO-skills, bullet holes and annexions. We accept ruble only. If you dont call us we will call you, cyka blyat!”
Oh yeah. Otherwise the commie ant is going to NKVD us again. Be serious, guys!
Gonna be amazing getting them at level 3, Best BA in the game at such a low level? YES PLEASE! Already have plans to completely ignore the AVT-40 and whatever future Select fires for Allies there, just a lever action and faster fire rate perk is all I’ll need
Hey do we got a release window cuz I got about 3- months of vacation to use lol
Will it be like dressing your Barbie?
Not as sexy while having male soldiers only.