Give some delay to plane spawning in Japan maps!

Add some delay time before we can spawn planes in Japan maps guys. They ALL spawn kill

While it needs to be equalised (add airfields please), they cant spawn kill you.

You have aa protection. Use it to climb a little first if they are waiting for you

Dont take off and fly straight to the objective while you are still 10 meters off the ground

I feel like the carriers need to be removed and the spawn system from the rest of the game be added to the pacific. Yeah the carriers are cool but they restrict dogfighting due to people abusing the auto AA guns when you fly too close and all the new aircraft spawn mid air at the start of the game anyway, so they’re pointless. Add the 1:30 timer to all planes and let them spawn in the air and remove the carrier AA.

Yes, sorry. I mean with no spawn delay the plabes just go and bomb/rocket between the spawn locations and the objective most players are running towards which doesn’t give the players any time to disperse

Personally, I like air carriers to land and repair planes. But I would love to have a spawn delay like other maps for the planes and have it spawn directly in the sky instead of it.
So we could only use them for repairs and protecting from the enemy planes with their cannons.

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made a dedicated post for it

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