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Possibly have these cycling in the loading screen? Would be way cooler than having a stale static picture with a lame tip.


These are great, they deserve to be in the game for everyone to see.


Do funny comic stuff like this for your shorts.
It would definitely call some attention to enlisted.

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Nice work!

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ey, what is that?

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Would love to see these comics instead of the white clouds at startup, as well as when loading new/leaving completed battles.


This is a great addition, but it should be added into a page on the GAME as well, not just the site.

Or at the very least, as a substitute to the clouds on the loading screens.


They are funny and informative i like it. They should be showed during loading into the matches.

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These are awesome, I agree they could be added to the loading screens, they are really great. I don’t know why but the expression in this guy with his tongue sticking out as he hammers the machinegun back to life had me laughing out loud.

Whoever made these understands whats funny for the internet.


This is a great idea ! Congratulations to the author(s) for the great job !
The art style really give a great old school military comic book vibe and I’m all for it !

Honestly the only thing that bother me with them is all the lettering (I think it’s the right word) mistakes, there is very specific rules in comic book lettering and a bunch of them are not followed here unfortunately.

English is not my native language so to make sure anyone that may be interested knows what I mean let me explain what comic book lettering is : it’s the “art” (not sure it qualify as art but you get my point) of integrating texts into a comic strip, it goes from choosing the right font, with the proper size and space between lines to the way you cut a word that doesn’t fit on a line, balance the volume of text in a speech bubble or narrative box, etc.
All of it to make the reading experience smooth, basically a good lettering work is one you don’t notice.

I know it may not be a big deal for some, maybe even for most, but I just thought it was unfortunate to see such great and original content with some easily fixable errors…

Still, keep up the great work, it’s nice to see a dev studio going for a more original approach to this type of content !


this is absolutely god tier, I hope we can have medics soon together I love play them


Cool art. Got the popcorn ready for the flame thrower trauma cases in chat.

I think I spotted a typo, shouldn’t it be “artilleRy”?


Apart from that… After laughing like 15 minutes, I could not stop myself paying for the battlepass. Your artists are to be blamed for the hit on the family budget. :slight_smile:
