Germany and Japan is dying

Weird, I had solo 3 matches and 3 wins with Japanese Yesterday. :man_shrugging:


Their history is stuck on Taiping Island
In their dreams, they can dream that those Americans are killing them.

Whats wrong with being f2p? I know he complains a lot but what does being f2p do with anything?

I dont think an aircraft mg for paratroopers is accurate. They would have never jumped with so heavy guns.


What the game is about, is to know when to use a tank, when a plane, when an assaulter / machine gunner / engineer / mortarman / paratrooper and so on.

With 3 infantry squads + 1 vehicle (tank), a player has no such flexibility as someone with 6 - 7 - 8 squad slots and often has wrong conception about the game.

For example - on the map Airfield (Normandy, before the merge) one guy was using P-47 and finished the match with 200 kills + 10 destroyed tanks… because enemy team was constantly deploying Tigers and no one had a plane or engineer to build AA gun.

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You can create pretty flexible lineups with only 4 slots. One engineer squad with at gunner and radio, one assault squad with radio and mg, one apc squad and tank or plane. You just have to know how to use them correctly

Lol so what makes you think that paying players has the right conception about the game?
You are just living in your own illusion.



What do you mean aircraft mg’s? It’s just a Thompson

He’s talking about the vicars

European player here: Germany are most of games in br 5 as bots with constant paras attack, Japan br 4, most of games have bots/brain dead players who don’t even build a rally, you can have maybe 1 or 2 maps in where players of japan are competent, but nope, right now the pan flipped due the player base in favor to allied ones

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The thompson is also unrealistic. The US army didnt use 100 round drums and even if they did it would have been way too heavy to carry while jumping.

I genuinely do not care about that squad. Don’t have it. Never seen it

Disagree with just 4 slots you can’t prepare for every eventually. Especially since you need to compromise and pray that your single vehicle slot will be useful in the next match and a lot of the times it won’t since you took a fighter or a bomber plane and there are no planes to hunt or that you get destroyed by a fighters, or took a tank and you get destroyed every time by two plane tryhards so you have to spend rest of the match as the engineers on the AA gun.

You can’t have paratroopers since APC/UC will used in a same way as them (mobile rally point), while paid player could create both with two fast spawns for entire team which may result in a won game while you with 4 slots may lose. And what will happen if you die with a tank and get demolished as soon as you spawn with the engy squad? How are you going to counter that tank/plane? You won’t.

I wouldn’t be playing this game with less than 6 slots. You may never know what map you are going to get that’s why i have Assaulters for the close range and mg gunner squad for the mid range in my US and JP lineup which is impossible to have with just 4 slots. Not only it’s limiting but make game way too restricted and not fun.


I have played for almost 3 years with only 4 slots and i am perfectly fine. I would dtill want to get more so i could bring plane and tank

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There’s a chance for bonus slot for event squads.

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BR4 Japan has good 70%-80% win rate right now. Its just BR2 Japan that gets destroyed by BR3 Americans.
Ofcourse Japan vets stack BR4 cause they face BR3 either way.

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Would be greatly appreciated



The German and USRR weapon are equal in strenght.

Berlin, Germany, could be said to have forced all the players in the Soviet Union away.

Yeah, and? What about Tunisia?