Fw 190s turn time is way to long

Which P-38 model?

Loaded Weight: 7880kg
Wing Area: 30.425m2
In game has 189km/h stall speed, giving it 1.50 CL_max

P-38J has 2.46kg per HP power to weight, so a bit better than Fw-190A-8 and currently in game has roughly same stall speed as Fw-190A-8
P-38J is also the slowest turning version of the P-38.

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Pretty interesting stuff. So considering all the math, would you all say Enlisted is pretty accurate?

I would say its pretty irrelevant if its realistic or not. Most planes in enlisted arent, no reason 190 should be hindered by being so (which i highly doubt it is in the first place)


Shoot. While we’re at it, let’s make the mp40 hit like the Kar98.

This. we got magic wrench for sake of gameplay for tankers.
Sovjet rbs rockets had accuracy of ~2% ? Hvars were probably at same ball park for sake of gameplay they are accurated.

And million other similar examples regardless of faction.

If we leave out the calculations, since their importance and accuracy is questionable, I suggest the following questions.
Firstly, why build an aircraft (Fw 190) when the Bf 109 is more maneuverable at every altitude?
Secondly, how do you explain the high kill rate (good kill to loss ratio) of the Fw 190 when practically every aircraft of the Allies (USAF/RAF/Soviet Union) is presented as better?
Pure boom and zoom is certainly not the answer, nor is the lack of superiority in numbers. Even the fact that the USAF/RAF withdrew its aces from the front to train subsequent pilots, which was hardly the case with the Germans, and thus has more well-trained pilots than the German Air Force, does not speak in favor of the Fw 190.


Something really doesn’t make sense.

It makes no sense for a plane to have such a reputation as the 190, if its usability is based on absolute requiring the advantage at all times to work…any “better” plane could do the same with advantage

nor do the accounts of it being a joy to fly…Its a brick in enlisted and warthunder lol. It can work…but it certainly feels “bad”


Kurt Tank said the 190 was made to be a warhorse whereas the 109 was more of a racehorse. So I’d guess it’s just general design philosophy, one was made to withstand getting shot while the other was purely made for speed.

And as far as the high kill rate? Hard to say. I would guess it’s just ratios and the pros of defense. German pilots had a lot more targets than Allied pilots. They also had the advantage of knowing where they were coming from and probably where they were going. They could choose their targets and had the ability to escape back to friendly AA. Allies on the other hand were always encroaching and constantly looking for the enemy while preforming various missions. (Mid to late war anyways) Just speculating though.

Because the Fw-190A-4 came in summer of 1942 and during that time frame all the soviets had is LaGG-3’s and Yak-1’s (not the Yak-1B) and in Summer of 1942 it was a monster in terms of speed, roll and firepower. It however wasnt designed for 1v1’s and low altitude turn fights. In 1942 it would still be up against the Spitfire V’s at best.

Heck even when Yak-1B and Yak-9 came in 1943…

Fw-190A-4 has 560km/h at Sea Level compared to Yak-1B and Yak-9 which came in 1943, they only have around 530km/h at Sea Level. At 6000m the Fw-190A-4 can do over 650km/h whilst Yak-1B / Yak-9 performance turns to trash past 4000m altitude. What doesnt help is when your Fw-190A-4 from 1942 is Rank III, facing planes from 1943 but are Rank II.

Furthermore the Enlisted meta doesnt suit the purpose and playstyle and stregnths of the Fw-190.
BF-109G-2 came at the same time as the Fw-190A-4 and compared to the BF-109G-2… the G-2 was in a sad state because due to issues with the engine, it was limited to 1.3 ata. So imagine flying the BF-109G-2 but limited to 100% and no WEP and then at the same time you had the full power WEP Fw-190A-4’s instead.

Both the Fw-190A-1 and A-4 should be Rank II in German Tree in Enlisted
Fw-190A-8 should be early Rank III plane
Fw-190D-9 with maximum ata late war performance settings is fine at Rank V i guess.


the point being planes have had their performance altered for enlisted. I no longer see a reason to stand on ceremony of maintaining historic strengths and weakness when others have been tweaked to better suit enlisted arena.

Fw190 not only does not fit enlisted meta, but its flight model is also horrendous and is over BRd as you have suggested. on that I will agree.


Yes. Can’t recall exactly but I believe all the top scoring German aces served on the eastern front. I guess they found those Russians easy pickings.

The fish bowl that is the Enlisted play area definitely needs an adjustment. Airfields could remedy this.

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As far as i can tell,
They havent altered aircraft performance in Enlisted

Here is me doing over 590km/h at Sea Level in P-51D in Enlisted. The very same as War Thunder

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Some more than others. And speed is only one attribute.

A few examples that come to mind;

mosquito for example is 80k/h slower at sea level than a full fuel/ordnance war thunder Mosquito (no WEP war thunder goes faster than Enlisted WEP)

Me 410 has had its legs chopped off aswell (considerably slower)

hurricanes and Stukas lose control in dives over 450 k/h which isn’t in war thunder

other than the noticeable user differences (some I mentioned above), there’s the continuous tweaking of Datamined stats which indicates they are indeed tweaking flight performance.

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