I had long forgotten about the name change feature, but somehow I discovered that my Soviet Gold Assault Soldier’s name is “Coca cola”.
Perhaps this is the funniest name I have ever given a soldier.
Peter and Morales in one
Jesus and Christian
2 Davidson
2 Luce
lov, nov and rov at the end
That’s nothing.
I have a soldier named Jerry Lewis. Funny thing is, he was alive historically during that period😆
I can’t find him anymore thought… I hope I didn’t sell him
I think I saw Gary Fisher somewhere too.
To slavery?
Of course not! Joe is to nice to sell somebody to slavery. He sold him for organs.
Well, this guy is my legend.
Yeap, seems this guy isn’t black, so only option to sell him for organs.
Nah, you just need to think bigger. For example ottoman empire would gladly take a white slave. And romans wouldn’t think twice, everything goes.
I save lives!
Many arab countries STILL buy/sell slaves of any race to this very day. The dark skin victimization trope, is a usa thing.
This in past. But in 20 century I guess blacks still was in move.
Well, this is rather the truth of Western Europe.
Because they tried not to sell each other because of their similar religion.
In Arab countries (or rather, in Muslim countries), niggers have always lived side by side with europeans(caucasians seems you named our race something like that), so they only cared about religion. Well, sometimes they forgot about religion.
No idea what first guy’s name means.
Second guy comes up as “A.Hippler” post-battle screen if he gets Battle Hero award.
About topic
Yes, German names just make me laugh, in a good way. But still, I tried to select the most funny ones, or those that make any sense.
My Stalingrad veterans
sadly I cant find my flammenwerfer hero from Normandy, Xavier Coopman (he made americans cope hard)
You can guess what the theme for the rest of the nicknames is.
If we’re talking about name change orders, then this is the only squad I’ve used them on.
If we’re talking about randomly generated names, then these are the only notable ones that are still in my lineup.
I’ve also got a squad with two brothers, a squad with two Hannibals, I used to have a Christopher Hansen, I’ve got a Joe Farmer which seems ridiculously generic, and a James Morgan. Makes me feel sort of sad all the soldiers that probably had really cool names which I immediately sold for not having the stats I needed or became obsolete with more meta soldier tiers coming out.
Still looking out for the fabled Dirlewanger, I’ll get one eventually.
Here are my favorite names of soldiers that were generated by the game:
They do exist!
Best defender of the reich