when should developers introduce all this? if the UK and Italy are next in line
yes maiming two existing lines to introduce a second Japan everyone will demand stops at BR3/truncated line.
the question is who get this ? german wich used the most than french or french wich could be strange and you can’t really give them to usa too
A lovely RSC 18 <3
that’s not my cup of tea to decide
technically DF has enough content to make france and italy as standalone - at least for low BR / mid BR
Personally I think it should be the germans, since it is true that french tanks ironically saw the longest use in the war with the germans. But I would mainly like to see their abominations made from them, like the B1 with the flamethrower or the the various models butchered and hacked apart to fit a field gun or howitzer.
are you talking about this cutie ?
it’s mainly the only way they have to give us french
Or a subfaction limited to tier II only ?
He is missing his white flag :(( It feels so incomplete.
Good idea, but you should include Mas-36, Mas-44 and MS.406
This is more suitable to be a rider vehicle than APC, France had Lorraine 38L for APC.
MAS-36 is already in the game so that’s why I haven’t suggest it.
I know that there are many more weapons / tanks / vehicles but I don’t wanted to spam many of them.
Fair enough.
Watch as DF adds all of this but to the German lineup
The last thing we need is more factions, maybe a “subfaction” like in WT with their own line that would only run to BR2 and thats it, that or later war US gear copy paste but with Free French markings?
But yeah I love those cursed designs, they always will hold a special place in my heart, same reason I want the Churchill mk1 in game among other things.
B1 is so nice, I love 2 gun on tanks my favorite us tank is the LEE followed by GRANT ^^
they could never add a faction like france, japan already lack lots of things. france can’t even go BR III or IV
And then they will forcing themselves to make them viable at BR5
yes everyone loves br 4 5 japan
looks like german reuse not complete french?!
german modification of the french heavy tank B1
Yes that is what we were talking about, how for the French vehicles that would fit best into the german tree would be the abominations the germans made with them.
As if it wasnt bloated enough!