Folgore squad event

I was not able to complete the challenges and the pre requisites to get the folgore squad as a reward in the Tunisia campaign. I remember reading somewhere that any rewards not obtained would be available to purchase for gold at a later date so i am seeking clarification in this matter.

Will i be able to purchase the folgore squad someday with gold?

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Too late for that.

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As player wrote above, too late (

I really doubt they wont make them available for purchase on later day because its gaijin but if this is indeed the last chance to get them then that sucks

I’d say nothing is forever. Many things tend to return every once in a blue moon. You’ll just have to wait into the future until eventually they are a prize for some event

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They’re mostly just gimmick bait to lure people to play Tunisia axis.
You really didn’t miss out something important.


Literally just want them because i think they are cool

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I want the FW 189 for the same reason, but I doubt I will ever get a chance to obtain one, it to was apparently an event reward…

Because of what?

There’s a lot of reason I love this squad (and will value it post-merge).

Paratroopers in general are a very fun class and they’re Italians (collect all items for this faction that happens to be my favorite)

They’re also Axis paratroopers that will not be highest BR (unlike the FG-boys) makes them suitable for a different preset line-up.

A lot of Italian stuff I will use after merge will prolly not have that high of a BR which make this squad perfect to squeeze in.


The fact alone that its an Italian squad made it worthy for me.
OG-43 is nothing special, but the flamethrowers are fun and its a very versatile squad.


I don’t care about those pasta’s at all - I’m much more crying that I didn’t manage get the FG squad with the Schießbecher. Rip me

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That and the some of the coolest looking uniforms :smiley:

They will/do make great mid tier Paratroopers, where my Kreighoff Fallschirmjagers cannot tread.