Focke-Wulfs and Stukas

Some of the aircraft in the game have broken physics, it’s not exclusive to this plane, but a good example is the FW 190 A-1. It tends to drift through the air at skewed angles. Try it out for yourself, and you’ll likely notice that it doesn’t fly straight. Some of the otherbplanes do the same, and when they carry bombs, it makes accurate targeting basically impossible, the FW 190 A-9 is a good example suffering from such jankiness. It’s also bothered me for a long time that the devs removed the Horn of Jericho from the Ju 87 R-2 Stuka. I can’t be the only one hoping for the Horn to return, and maybe even just be installed on all Stuka variants, and also for better flying mechanics that allow all planes to fly straight.


Yes the FWs are notorious with their weird flying characteristics.
Crabbing and pancaking and spinning like a jojo.
D-12 is the worst, while it could be one of the best planes in the game…
AP-4C also does crabbing much.

You are not (this topic is in mess room, you could open a suggestion)

They probably removed it because i dont think it was on the stukas after the b1/b2 model

But yes, 190 love please


I thought it was only me with the FW-190 A1 when I shoot it strays to the left

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Sadly, ALL Focke Wulf planes have broken flight models or alignments… even the premium one!



Still waiting for confirmation or denial from devs on the FW issue…but no reply ever is given.
Oh well it’s only been like this for a few years right?

BTW many ppl dont even use FWs because they suck.
But has anybody tested them lately?
I have tested the BR 5 variants recently (A-8/D-9/D-12) in several battles and was surprised that they were less bad than I thought.


I have.

In aerial combat, they are fairly decent, the problems most ppl have don’t matter much when dogfighting.
Note: flaps are surprisingly sturdy, even at very high speed, eheh

It’s when you try to bomb or strafe ground targets that it starts getting annoying…

(I also use the beautiful gold order D12. Vibrant red on the belly. Bomb flashily… if bombs go where you wanted them to land…)


Depends how you define bad. 190s are as good as any other plane when the enemy is oblivious and infront of you. But between poor loadout selections (except D9-D12), Over BRD, flight model sliding, and nearly no defensive flying ability…it is hugely unsatisfying. Feels horrid

I think there is only one other plane that feels even worse (Pe-2) but that one at least has Decent carpet bombing and doesnt slide



But… true. For me it’s the side sliding. I cannot bomb accurately and it amounts to luck (and just many bombs).

If that sliding weren’t there, I’d have no complaints about those… for CAS purposes.