Flammable objects suggestions

I was thinking that it would be cool if some objects reacted to fire damage in different ways for example:

if an ammo box takes x amount of fire damage it would explode dealing damage in an area around it.

Wood fences and shreds that are already destructible
in game would colapse after taking x amount of fire damage and turn black.

Tanks can already catch fire from external sources, but it would be cool if machingun nests anti air and field guns had the ammo around them also catch fire and explode after talking too much fire damage.


The straw huts in the Japanese maps would burn very nicely with flammability and fire spreading. I’ve also suggested something similar if you interested it can be found in this topic: Flame thrower visual/gameplay improvements


ikr there’s so much to explore with fire mechanics, like wooden surfaces could burn longer and the fire would more likely spread out on them, all wooden structures like fences, huts could catch fire and either turn black or be destroyed completely. That would be really good buff for flame troops and Molotovs which I think they need right now.


Those are good suggestions, I would also add that burning element such as grenades or mines should make them blow up as well