Fix these issues related with customization ASAP

  1. The disappearing customized faces on soldiers. We spend our hard earned customization tickets on these things and now they just disappear! Just great. 2. In one of the recent patches the customization which we bought earlier was replaced with something entirely different. My Axis assaulters in Berlin had an entirely different camo which has been replaced with the one that I bought in Normandy! Just splendid. 3. The soldiers wear something different in the main menu but they don’t wear that in–game. My Soviet assaulters in Berlin don’t get their body armour despite having them equipped! 4. The soldiers have their berets or caps dangling down from their heads. They look just great! I hope the devs fix these basic things before doing anything else with the customization. People have made numerous bug reports about these issues on their support website but nothing has been done as of now.

Soldier’s Cosmetic Concept Idea ( Enhance it by expanding it ) - Suggestions - Enlisted you must see this my friend!.. Its GORGEOUS. I think we should try everyting posible to get it to the devs.

This guy must be heard…




Thanks. I will definitely take a look at this mate.

What a brilliant mind! I had also made a post suggesting the devs to add decals to the BP. I hope they take not of this. Fingers crossed.

Erika is not guy.