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i dont know how it can disagree when it was taken from there :stuck_out_tongue:

you are maybe just looking at weekly vs daily(sunday). weekly is always different cause of casual players. majority of those unique players have less than few battles played in whole week.

Weekly shows 150k unique PC and 130-145k console… feel free to actually look up the post if you’ve forgotten what you wrote :slight_smile:

my mistake… i was thinking you were replying to me telling me that my data is wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

sometimes i need to read the whole post, not just parts of it :slight_smile:

Tiger ii in normandy is not an issue tbh. I instantly smash them with p47, they re always open at the gray zone always marked, which means they not extremely offer to their team at all times. Rocket tanks, hidden between buildings rushing and going back are more dangerous sometimes. I get my calliope for 2-3 mins until they explode me and get more kills than a tiger ii in grey zone gets at 10 minutes.

You do realize that player data is collected and distributed by Gaijin itself? The same company whos data suggests over 500k unique players in War Thunder daily.

what paler base the unbanned people to fill matches and we still getting match quitters and bot team (which do batter then player teams) gijin killed player base with merge and BR im only playing match making to do event not worth playing at all