Why don’t you refuse to speaking English than?
Uh dont know about that - dont post war Brits in Warthunder rely heavily on overpressure? Pretty sure those mortar AVREs would be powerful against armor and infantry.
I speak the American Deep South dialect of English. Very different English. Best example I can give is “moun’n” (mountain)
It’s one of the extreme examples, but it exemplifies the speech pattern round here fairly well. I speak english because I have no other choice. This is the language I was raised speaking. I’m not going to learn a whole nother one just cause, but I will say that the english I speak and the english you think of are two different things in a multitude of aspects
Besides, a lot of people believe the British speak a newer version of the english language that the nobility started to distinguish themselves from the common rabble. Hence why Brits always sound so “high and mighty” all the time. America speaks the older dialect
Don’t know if its true or not, but lot of people seem to believe this is the case
Peak 'Merica here…
It’s not.
Brits also do not have a sole accent, even within England.
Southern English is actually closer to British English, believe it or not. That is unless you are closer to old French settlements like Louisiana and such (based if so mon cadien )
No, we do not, in English speaking Canada. And what would you know… Canada is in America. (Not my fault you guys never found a proper country name )
As is Mexico…
But yes apparently some characteristics of US English are closer to what was spoken way back then.
The idea that this is “purer English” is just bill scat of course - language changes all the time, which is why Old English became Middle English became 18th century English became 21st century English.
Having more characteristics of older languages is just a historical curiosity… and I’m sure it is not any indication of inbreeding or inability to move with the times
Indeed! And if we don’t count North or South things, so is Brasil, Chile and so many other countries (who all possess proper names!)
think you wrote about wrong nations i dont see japan anywhere here…
fixing Japan takes too much time im working on my final setup for Japan but there is so much equipment needed xD
But the big problem with the AVRE would be the insufficient range of it even when taking into account the typical short range combat in enlisted.
If i remember correctly the AVRE would struggle to be able to shoot futher than 100m which is very little even on the tiny enlisted maps.
I agree with all of these suggestions.
Can never have enough Spitfires. Even the Germans wanted them. (indeed due to DF’s BS rules maybe Germany should get a Spitfire based on the one line in the 1965 movie The Battle of Britain cause Lend-Lease from Pinewood Studios…)
Also, all these Yanks and Poms arguing about who is better at English while everyone else is actually fighting the war…
^Australians and Free Polish at Tobruk.
Really? Well that’s interesting
Nah, I’m in Alabama. My buddy’s in Louisiana though! But I think he’s just two or three generations from immigrating over here so he ain’t got the speech and whatnot. Lol
Comes with the territory of being the first independent European based nation in the New World. We get to claim the good name. Lol
Italians do make good stuff…or is it German
…do what now?
“America”…named after an Italian Explorer/Cartographer by a German.