Finally got them all decked out


Dope, i havent got a skin for the heavy japanese tank yet but also having my eyes on that camo you used

Good looking tanks!

As a side note i tend to use only one squad symbol per tank, yours look cool nonetheless but imo only 1 squad icon looks way better

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I see. Thanks for the feedback mate. Yeah. One squad symbol coupled with the numbers give you a historically accurate feel. I agree.

I wish the whole “using gold orders to skip tech” wasn’t a thing, because now we never get top tier gold order skins because they don’t want players skipping a bunch of tech and research with it.

I just want my octopus camo Tigers.

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I have the same decal on my Yak-1.
I dont know what it stand for, it just looks good.
Since it goes on both tanks and planes, it’s not a specific squad decal…?

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Nice! Yeah. I guess so. I remember seeing this decal on Soviets era T-72s, T-80s as well if I am not wrong.

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The decal was a reward for Enlisted’s 2 year birthday.
But sadly no information was given about it.

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Yeah. For the longest possible time I didn’t know you can mirror the decal on both sides. Lol.

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It is the guards symbol i think
Gold order is 1 and t60 have it


Yes it is and it goes on both tanks and planes so I still dont really know the meaning of the decal.
So I googled it.
It’s like a medal awarded to a unit after distinguishing themselves in wartime service.
So that must be why it can be applied on any unit: tank, plane or even infantry I presume.
Nice to know, nice decal.

Also nice to know: if you were an Enlisted soldier in a Guards unit, you would receive double the pay!