FG42 II buff? Current state of Enlisted?

I haven’t played in like 5 months or something like that, can anybody give me read on the current state of the game please?

How specific? Only about the FG?

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Indeed all SF are standardized with automatic mode start so this isn’t just about FG, also test server added and changed so many things…

Just like the general state of the game, but i’d also like to know about this FG buff because FG is basically my main rifle

FG is going to be set at automatic as default mode soontm. I think they will also buff recoil. Sniper FG42 also gets better dispersion.

Pretty much the same as couple of months ago except US now has T20 rifle.

Read here

Also buff is incorrect, its a denerf.
Years ago every automatic weapons were drastically buffed except the FG42 series but finally they were brought to AVT-40 and T20 level.

Oh. I’d like it if they’re gonna buff recoil, but i’d kinda hate it if they didn’t because it’s kinda unmanageable in full auto sprays.

Put Japan aside.
FG42 family, AVT-40 and T20 are all getting buffed, recoil reduced. FGs and AVS-36 have their default firing mode at auto, which they deserved long time ago. So its not that “only Germany got buff so wehraboo”

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