FG42 grenade launcher

This gun needs to be fixed or replaced. You start with standard ammo so it can go by quickly, the biggest problem of all is the fact the actual grenade from the launcher does very little to no damage at all it seems. Gotten several direct hits and close proximity hits with it, barely downing enemy players and bots.


What “no damage” ? It works fine :ok_hand:


Is it still here? Because its not even tech tree anymore

It is a reward for an event, not a tech-tree weapon.

TBF, all rifle grenades are fucky-wucky at the moment, sometimes you dome a guy for a white hitmarker, sometimes you wipe some poor chaps squad with a random “to whom it may concern” shot.


I forgor that squad existed and never gotten one ;-;

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Not sure when you recorded that but I’ve been having issues with them, hitting right next to people and just downing them, only way it has killed anyone was if I hit them with 2 or directly like a normal shot

This is a problem that affects all HE grenade launchers not only this one.


Not long ago grenade launchers were meta.

Welcome to impact explosives in Enlisted buddy. Rifle nades, HE shells, and impact nades are all a coin toss (or worse odds) on whether or not they’ll work

They still are, but rifle grenade are divided in two categories : HE launcher (Kar98k Schiessbescher, Diakanov launcher, M1903 launcher…) and HEAT launcher (Kar98k GGP 40, M1 Garand launcher, Mosin VGPS… )

HEAT launcher can be used to kill tanks as well as infantry. HE launchers are the ones which oftenly bug doing no damage, like the FG42 grenade launcher. HEAT launcher are more reliable and are usually the one spammed.

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i hate grenade spams, its annoying … its better to be nerfed

The GL on FG42 GL feels nerfed, Im fairly certain it was shadow nerfed.


HE tank shells are also acting weird, recent patch somewhat improved it in certain situations while in others they are still not doing anything, so it’s maybe 30% improvement, while GL are completely fucked i can launch them at enemy group 5 times and a lot of times none of them will deal enough dmg to kill even a single person and most of the time 2-6 out of 8 will detonate and kill at least few people. It’s rng every time you shoot.

i think its better HE should be nerfed …

It’s already been overnerfed. While Heat is consistent even tho it has smaller damaging radius

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idk but i think HE shells are better against innfantry in comparison to HEAT shells, isnt it?

In perfect scenario where they work yes, but in current Enlisted nope, they a lot of times don’t do any dmg while heat going to kill at least 2 soldiers each shot.