Faces and Textures in the game needs a massive overhaul

Why do they look so similar?? May I ask what game is the following picture from?

Hell let lose

Why do these two people look so similar

Because those are generic ww2 american soldier face, almost every ww2 game use the same face a bit modified, they are taken by war photo anyway

I see. Thank you for your answer

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this is incorrect answer. someone on reddit actually explained this

How smart you are, him asked wy all modern ww2 game face look similiar, not Whatever you posted on face model

i see,Originally, the two games shared early character faces, but HLL’s modeling looks better than ENLISTED’s.

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No, no, I’m asking about the two people in the pictures I posted, they look like the same person.

Yes is because they share the same mesh thats correct

but the textures and modelling is different

If you look cod1 american background soldier you maybe find this similiar or identical face as well, those faces are not a prerogative of modern game, remind game developers copy each other for easy the work

ENLISTED’s new facial model will even penetrate the model, and the Soviet NKVD hat with the new facial model hat top will penetrate.

I used to think these faces were made by ENLISTED himself :rofl:

Nah, darkflow use third party studio for almost every model of the game, guns for example are made by a russian one (forgot name) veichle instead are from warthunder


It is incomprehensible that the quality of the model using a third-party studio is still so poor. :thinking:

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They seem to use so much assets and outsourced stuff it’s hard to tell if it’s truly their game.


It depends on how much money the studio is paid, probably just the sufficient for make a decent work, nothing more

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Indeed, this explain why model of infantry and gun are still sufficient compared to other game even much older

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I was being sarcastic, with my previous message.

I agree with your OP. I’m also max leveled in Normandy, Moscow, Berlin, and Tunisia, and feel the same way as you do. I think I have like 1,600 troop orders (combined bronze/silver), and like 300 weapon orders (silver/bronze). All my top-tier weapons, vehicles, and soldiers, are all max leveled. There’s nothing left to spend my tickets on.

There’s so little incentive to play, that it’s not even worth spending money on premium XP anymore.
I also have like 150 soldier customiztion tickets… but I’m saving them because the current options are awful for the axis side (and also buggy). Hopefully they’ll implement better options, once the overhaul is implemented.

I sure hope that the new progression system/overhaul of the game… is utilized in a way that can keep veteran players interested. (And I’m not talking about premium content)

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