For the germans, yea. Almost all the 109s from the F onward could fit a 300l drop tanks. Not sure about the soviets, though, but if any aircraft would fit them I would guess it would be a 9D. Worst case you copy paste something.
People keep complaining about the Soviet Paras being able to change weapons while everyone else can’t. They did that so they can put minimal effort into them so they can focus on other things the game needed and because they couldn’t find more para groups if I remember correctly.
This is fixable in 2 ways:
Strip the Soviets Paras of the ability to change weapons and permanently fix them in a BR. Then Go through and add paratroopers for every BR for all nations. This way is to time-consuming for the devs so it’s extremely unlikely it will ever happen.
B) Screw uniqueness, give everyone the ability to equip any weapon that they want on their Paras. This strips any “uniqueness” and advantage that the Soviets may possess, in favor of balance.
This has 2 ways of being done:
Just event squads.
Premium squads. Just lock the premium weapon as a secondary from the box.
In my personal opinion, if someone’s going to run paratroopers they should be locked to one squad per setup. I’ve watched people with the Allies deploy paratrooper after paratrooper and just cycle them as soon as a squad was lost. Every nation only has one premium squad para but think about the cycling when the veterans box comes around and we see more and more event Paras pop up. Best to end the toxic behavior before it starts something the devs have been behind the curve on at times. Just look at them implementing squad cycling for vehicles and flame troopers, which still hasn’t been implemented.
This would allow option B to become the most realistic option with the highest chance of happening.
Nah, I want APC squad for each BR. 3 Squads are enough for cycling, but it is not enough for 5 separate presets.
Well lucky you since the new update brings t1 paras to germany