Enlisted wiki

It has been 3 years since the launch of this game. As a beginner, wiki will be very useful for me to learn about the game, and I wish Gaijin will run a wiki page for enlisted. I learned a lot from the wt wiki for War Thunder and i wish to do so here too.

There had been a thread about this but it got removed due to the reason being “necro post”, which I am not sure what it is about. So I have started a thread to ask for a wiki.

Enlisted resource can serve i guess as a wiki as it generally contains almost all information


Thank you mate.

This is great but a dedicated wiki page will be even better.

wiki usually depends on contribution of normal users, so if you want to make wiki, nobody is stopping you.

btw you have one wiki here

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Yeah it seems a bit lackluster, couldnt really learn much from it

idk what you expect to learn from wiki. if you want guide you can look here

also you can also look here

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