Easy To Add Japanese Tech Tree Small Arms


Well this topic will be about the easiest small arms that can be added to the Japanese tech tree and will make the tech tree feel more complete without much effort from the devs (if you read until the end there will be bonus ^^ ):

  1. Kō Rifle with scope:
    Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal

2.Type 96 lmg with Scope:

3.Type 99 lmg with Scope

4.Type 91 LMG with 50 round magazine:
Type 91 LMG with 50 round magazine

5.Tokyo arsenal model 1927 stick mag:

6.SMG Experimental Machine Pistol Model 3 Ko:

7.SIG KE7 50 rounds:

  1. This is the Automatic Rifle Version of SIG KE 20 that was used as automatic rifle with 20 round mag without the bipod so will be nice BR V addition :

    automatic rifle

Now to the Bonus well here will be few interesting LMGs that where used by China during world war 2:


2.MG 13
MG 13

And now 2 gold order weapons or event or premium options for Japan :

  1. Switzerland Furel M25 7.5mm light machine gun
    Switzerland Furel M25 7.5mm light machine gun
    Switzerland FurelM25 7.5mm light machine gun no scope

2.Type 77 light machine gun (ZB 26 with side magazine)produced by the Zhejiang Iron Factory, which moved the magazine to the side, shifted the center of gravity in exchange for a better view, and also simplified the production process.
Type 77 light machine gun produced by the Zhejiang Iron Factory, which moved the magazine to the side, shifted the center of gravity in exchange for a better view, and also simplified the production process.



Did it have 50 round though as far as I can remember it still uses same hopper as type 11 so 30 rounds


Yes there is Hoppers that are changeable with 45, 50 and 60 rounds capacity
Type 91 “Tanker” Machine Gun – The Armory (dockeryarmory.com)


Well I couldn’t find anything about 50 or 60 round after a brief research but the 45 round one seems to be real, interesting anyway gonna search thoroughly tomorrow


They are made for I-Go Ko tanks
Type89 I-Go Medium Tank | Ikazuchi (wordpress.com)

SENSHA: [WT] Type89 I-Go (sensha-manual.blogspot.com)

Believe it or not, but this is only going over the official production models. The I-Go underwent many, many field modifications. Keep in mind two tanks may be the same model yet have small differences. This is because two corporations took part in producing the I-Go, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Tokyo Manufacturing Plant. Both were new factories, both had their own unique appearance of the I-Go Kou tanks. Besides this, there were other variants down the line. This is why the tank is very, very complex.

Pretty much there was no standardization and depending on the factory that produced it and the time there was few small differences like the mag size but the mags that can be found are 45 ,50 and 60

Type 91 (6.5 mm) - War Thunder Wiki

‘’ Type 91

The Type 91 was a tank-mounted variant of the Type 11 that saw service in 1931.[8] The Type 91 designation is a product of the 1926 change in Japanese arms designation pattern, now coming from the Japanese empire’s calendar (2591, or AD 1931) rather than the year of the emperor’s reign.[3] The Type 91 is notable by its larger hopper design to fit ten clips at a time rather than the standard six for a total of 50 rounds[2] (though some source says the hopper can hold up to 60 rounds (12 clips))[9]. The weapon was typically mounted with a low magnification telescopic sight. A bipod was available for the tank crew or dismounted infantry to use the Type 91 when dismounted from the tank.

However, the weapons still suffer from issues that the infantry version has and so was later replaced by the Type 97 tank machine gun.[3]‘’

Only as a premium captured weapons and vehicles should only be behind a pay wall or an event reward.

reason 1. They didn’t design it

Reason 2. They didn’t have the capability or want to manufacture it

reason 3. Because of the afore mentioned reason and them being captured they would have very low availability.


Event squad of nuns with SiG rifles?

Nuns with guns lol



you are the weapons friend, I am the vehicles one, sweet emperor, what a beautiful combo we do for bring love to our beloved faction


Well the Bonus are just for information not for the tech tree im also not in favor of adding the Johnson or MG 13 better Switzerland Furel M25 or Type 77 light machine gun

Why not :joy: this is from a movie majority of the SIG KE automatic rifle versions are in very bad conditions thats why I used this replica from a movie its a normal Chinese Variant of the SIG KE 7 with a standard 25 round mag

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The Type 91 hopper holds 45 rounds not 50. 9 x 5rnd clips. I’ve never seen or heard of any other capacity from Japanese sources.

Did you have to use the awful CoD WWII model…
The well known image shows the stick mag very clearly, which most likely would’ve been at a rearwards angle instead of CoD WWIIs mag that goes straight down.

Thats not the Model 3 Kō but some fictional blend of a Type 100/44 with a fictional bipod.
The actual Model 3A looks like this

Well I dont have book about it I took it from warthunder :

Type 91

The Type 91 was a tank-mounted variant of the Type 11 that saw service in 1931.[8] The Type 91 designation is a product of the 1926 change in Japanese arms designation pattern, now coming from the Japanese empire’s calendar (2591, or AD 1931) rather than the year of the emperor’s reign.[3] The Type 91 is notable by its larger hopper design to fit ten clips at a time rather than the standard six for a total of 50 rounds[2] (though some source says the hopper can hold up to 60 rounds (12 clips))[9]. The weapon was typically mounted with a low magnification telescopic sight. A bipod was available for the tank crew or dismounted infantry to use the Type 91 when dismounted from the tank.

However, the weapons still suffer from issues that the infantry version has and so was later replaced by the Type 97 tank machine gun.[3]

Warthunder is wrong then. English sources in general tend to be a bit suspect in this regard since some just reuse the 30rnd number from the normal Type 11.
Here a cutaway drawing clearly showing 9 x 5 capacity

And here from the listed specifics a total of 45 rounds

“Introduction to Rifles, Handguns, and Machine Guns: A Thorough Study of Japanese Small Arms”(小銃・拳銃・機関銃入門―日本の小火器徹底研究) by Sayama Jiro(佐山二郞)
-Cutaway: Page 353
-Specifications: Page 441

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Well its possible i haven’t seen the two books that War thunder put as a source