Developer’s Q&A - June

2021-06-08 19_41_46-Enlisted i jeszcze 2 strony — Osobisty — Microsoft​ Edge

This does. Weapons and vehicles were supposed to be in line with historical facts. And I did not ask for milsim everywhere. I just wanted to have a game that will use accurate weaponry and put it there in the way that would be balanced. Slight derogations are acceptable, but for now it all seems to be coming apart.

Again - those all counters are fine. It’s great to have them. But you still miss my point. Each tank we have now is stronger than the ones that come before and makes them obsolete. And it will continue further with introduction of even heavier vehicles. That’s why I called it arms race. Because devs introduce those stronger and stronger vehicles instead of giving more of them, that would not be objectively stronger, but rather would provide different playstyle. For example some version of Stug could provide very good front armor and gun, but with the cost of mobility and no turning turret.
I personaly don’t consider Jumbo as something totaly OP, that is impossible to destroy. And like I said - it would be acceptable to have that one not fitting tank somewhere at the end of the campaign. But it will not stop here, but rather become much worse.
Balance could be achived with accurate vehicles too, without need to go into arms race.

Those campaign will end anyway at those +/- 40 levels. That would be less than a month for the players who already finished current content to complete. Playing towards something is fine, but I personally find it wierd that many of those players play simply for the sake of grinding and don’t even want to use that stuff when they finish the campaign. But it’s not my problem, they can play like they want to play.
Countries obviously didn’t use only new weapons for every campaign. That is why those campaign should differ from each other as much as possible. Let’s take Berlin as an example: Germans produced many last ditch weapons for Volkssturm, that would be perfect to fill the first levels in that campaign. Instead of that most of the stuff is just reused from previous campaigns. You already see many players not wanting to grind the exact same things for so many times - that is most visible for Germany (4 times… They could at least use Italy for Tunesia to bring something new)


I find that all of this is “In line with Historical Facts.” Not a perfect one to one. Perfect one to one to history will be impossible to balance.

Basically the arguments are all subjective as opposed to objective at this point.

This is the logical fallacy of the extreme.

Of course noone wants to bring every historical fact one to one. Slight adjustments are imperative to have good gameplay. But slight is the key word here.

But there are more and more such ahistorical absurds with each day. And much more will come with campaigns promised to have +/- 40 levels. Like what else would you imagine could be added to Moscow campaign without going into really absurd things? That’s the problem for me.

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Operation overlord - the Normandy campaign - is generally held to have finished on 30 August when hte Germans retreated east over the Seine to abandon northern France, and Canadian troops enterd Rouen - not going into October.

The allied objective for Overlord was lodgement in north France with enough ports to secure adequate supply.

I notew that you think that “design and production” in the period and comvbat “jsut a month later” is adequate - well in that case the IS-3 is fine for Berlin - it would haver sen combat if not for those pesky Germans getting beaten - so seems fine to me under those criteria.
The last pahse of htis was to be completed by 31 May -

(from HyperWar: SHAEF Directive for OVERLORD)

Which had been accomplished by 30 June for Brittany, and 15 September for Loire.

Again dunno where you are getting your info from - I am more than happy to be corected - but you seem to have invented campaign dates to suite yourselves, not those that are generally recorded.

I noted everything in my reply and edited with a mistake, hence the month later introduction edit. Again, the Jumbo was simply a modification of the Sherman, not a new tank like the IS-3, that the devs added for the reasons given in the Q&A. In terms of the IS-3, it is the only vaguely reasonable one of the others you mentioned, but is an entirely different tank, not a modification, with the additional point of Russian tanks already being better than the German ones at the time of Berlin and as such wouldn’t make sense to use, further since there was no combat involving it during the war.

But most all of this I explained in the reply, including said sources of information (which I link and talk about, showing the month later use and information about the modification).

Yes I know the reasons in the Qand A - and hence let’s apply those reasons to everything to be consistent! :slight_smile:

There was no reason “it’s just a modification of a Sherman” in the Q and A - so that isn’t applicable.

Also Centurion I’s in Germany May 1945 - let’s have them too - created in hte time frame, and available to troops LESS than 1 month after the war ended…:slight_smile:

Yes - all of which is exactly what I knew about already and said - I was right - the Jumbo was not USED in Overlord - it was first used after that campaign was over.

The Q&A said “it had been manufactured by then” or words to that effect - “created” - so let’s be even handed with all such weapons.

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It’s not about such lol, it’s about balance, if it is appropriate to add a vehicle for balance purposes and it is within a reasonable timeframe, they will add it for the sake of gameplay, nothing you are saying follows that line of thinking.

Thacks To devs, for this great game!!!, good luck in improving it.

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