Daily rewards

Good morning,
I was working on a daily task where you have to get 18 kills with a melee weapon. I went most of the game with just my knife and earned the Melee Master badge after the game. But when I returned to the home screen, none of the melee kills had been counted. I still had 0/18 for the daily task.

The “Extra Rewards” don’t work by the way. In the “Medium box with extra prize” You will only ever get 1 reward, not 1 order and 1 booster like it says.

The reward need to be reformulated then.

I just hit my 15th day award, and all i got was a booster, nothing got added to the battle taksts, while its hard to read the specification on the reward as anything else than getting both.


The wording in the description needs some change. The 300% boost is in the pool with orders not a extra.

Yeah, i think overall the intent ius that “you get one of those reward, those get added to battle tasks, while those get activated straight on”. Actually its not mentionned “extra” anywhere to be honest.