Customization items prices


One helmet cost 4 “customization cards”. For squad of 7 man - 28 cards, for 6 campaigns - 168 cards.

So if I want dress at least one squad in same camo like this:

I need to spend (4+8+2)*6 = 84 cards just for one soldier. Isn’t it TOO MUCH?

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Rebalancing the customization prices is planned: Answering Your Questions!

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Instead, we plan to analyze the current customization system and possibly adjust the order price relative to the amount that a player can realistically obtain. We plan to address this after we finish balancing the Silver earnings.

Yeah, I see. You make extra shitty “silver improvements”, can only imagine how bad new camo prices would be.

Wasn’t it obvious that you need whole GDP of small country to customize at least one setup for one nation?