Custom Profiles - Another look (Guide)

aren’t there any other methods?

because it kinda screws with cameras of vehicles.

You could try using other cameras defined in cameras.blk

cameras.txt (15.4 KB)


luckily for me, adding cameraType:t="gunner" to the driver seat fixed the issue.

( still have to test it in multiplayer. i’ll be honest. but it’s gonna be a while before i’ll can actually test. and even if i do, my mission it’s going to be local. which will have the least type of issue i believe )

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I’ll test it myself, since I was the one who originally started this discussion about the motorized squads.

i dont understand this

how do i apply perks to every infantry? no matter what, you spawn, you have x perk now with your soldier, yknow, like how it is in the actual game? how do i do that??, do i just put the perk code in entities.blk?, i need a proper tutorial

This is a proper tutorial. It’s a you problem. Again.

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ur right, im just a blind dumbass lmao

how do i export mod as vromfs.bin? the ONLY option is to export it as zip, nothing else, and yes, ive tried to use server_whatever is called.vfroms.bin or whatever is called, didnt work at all.

also where the hell do i get to the text editor that has everything about the factions?
which is under this text:

You will have to edit this in a text editor. Not in the actual game editor.

You can imagine this profile file as a rather deep tree structure, where the top nodes are the factions themselves:

Use notepad++

well you just named the hardest part - you dont. It does not in fact exist, not even in our dreams. Thats why it is so hard to learn custom_profiles

It’s been so long since this guide was written i have no idea what you guys are missing.

I must have meant the profiles located in Datamine\sqcommon.vromfs.bin_u\enl\globals\data

but its not a text file we can read. Can you suggest a program for us to use?

JSON is not a plain TXT, but can be still opened with regulat notepad.

I suggest Notepad++

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Wait where is datamine, i thought it is inside a bin file

…Datamine is the root folder you download from my other forum post.

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ur right, but what app are u using to display such code, with the color and stuff?, because i use notepad, which obv doesnt have that, also, the text is a little croweded

^ this is bots_profile_ardennes_allies.nut ^

well i did find sea_predator_profile.json which looks a lot better:

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Congratulations, you found the regular sea predator profile.