Custom Profiles - Another look (Guide)

I feel like I’ve read and read this over and over and still I’m not understanding where I get the json file. There’s the sample mission on the very top with a mechanized unit but I’m looking for Infantry. I want both sides to be running a very specific load out. I don’t care much about clothing, just want all the guns the same. Like three squads available on each team.

Sample mission has a vehicle too if i remember correctly.

These profiles are probably made with an internal tool, it was never meant to be edited manually. Thats why it may seem difficult to understand the structure first.

Who can do it, please check the profile
lb_event_bots_profile_1.json.txt (296.1 KB)

Well I have C++ now and been playing around with a couple more features but the only thing I really need that I’m not understanding is how to make squads for the Mission I’m making. I don’t want people to bring in their personal Squad, I want there to be three set squads on each team.

I’m not understanding is how to make squads for the Mission I’m making.

The process of this is detailed in the guide?

How i do it is i have the editor and the game open simultaneously. Search the solider’s name by squad and edit their weaponary.

How is C++ relevant here? We are editing a JSON file. You want to write a C++ that can edit these profiles? If yes then i’m will be watching you with great interest :slight_smile:

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Who can do it, please check the profile

What does need checking?

Older profiles made before merge needs fixing:

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If I’m missing it can you please highlight where the thread starts with modifying profiles? The first post here is you saying that everything is outdated and this is a new thread to start and then other people start talking about changing appearance. And a lot of what I was reading was changing textures and clothing but I haven’t read anything on how to start that process. Like how do I even get to the point where I’m looking at someone’s clothes and I can change them? Also, I was mentioning C++ not because I know how to code but because it was something I didn’t have before and I was changing everything with notepad. It was after reading some of your other guides I downloaded C++ to make everything easier and more visual.

Should I just take something like the sea Predator profile and customize everything from there?

Should I just take something like the sea Predator profile and customize everything from there?

Definetly. You won’t make a profile from scratch.

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Okay I’ll keep trying. Thanks for all your help. I hate to keep bugging you guys on the Forum as well as making the thread longer than it needs to be. It would definitely be easier to talk to somebody about this rather than chatting online. I’m not a very quick learner this way.

Do you know how to give medals to fighters?


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that’s an interesting question.

maybe @Devenddar might know the answer.

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It most likely has to do with the "heroTpl" : " " property

I’ll do some research

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Yes, it is possible. Just what should I write there?:thinking:

this simply does not work for me.

are we sure this isn’t an outdated method? i am having nothing but problems with it across multiple maps.

Guide is still valid.

Essentially the steps are:

1: Find a profile inside the Datamine
1.5: Fix the profile if it was made before the merge (afaik, all of them)
2: Add the profile to your mission and launch in local or online
3: Keep the game running, open the JSON with a text editor of your choice
4: Search for soldier names inside profile, which helps you find the weapons belonging to them.
5: Edit the weapons or other attributes to your liking.
6: Save the profile file. Rebuild ZIP mod, and upload to sandbox
7: Squad with modified weapons will appear.

I’ve said, but will again; One simple syntax error will break the profile and the mission won’t work.

You can always upload your JSON and we can take a look. (Just briefly explain what you’ve changed to make our job easier)

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Currently have been editing vehicles to make my own motorized squad. It isn’t working, and I tested out the old one you made with the GAZ and Kubelwagen, and it no longer works.

Any solutions?

Entities file and custom profiles are here for my mod: (186.6 KB)

It isn’t working, and I tested out the old one you made with the GAZ and Kubelwagen, and it no longer works.

Great. I will check it tomorrow.

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