Custom loadouts for planes/ tanks

So… we´re gonna stay here and say nothing?, the devs are basically gaijin 2 they copy-pasted war thunder tanks/ planes into this game so, why not add some features for planes and tanks which allows you to choose how many bombs you wanna lauch to the enemy face, obviously this will affect the plane making it slower/ havier if is carring a 500kg bomb for example and it will be faster/ ligther if is only carring 2 bombs of 50kg,

this works similar in tanks allowing you to choose how many proyectiles of each type you want in your tanks also it will works like the planes making it havier if is carring 70 proyectiles than if is only using 30 also can affect in his speed

This is an easy feature that will be useful for the game hope that you can add it : )

Just add it i wanna have an SC250 bomb in a bf 109 : (
OIP (11)


I would perfer V1-Weapon

Personally, I’d prefer a selection of historical pre-set loadouts. Could maybe even be a cool addition to the squad unlock tree.


It was answered in the latest Q&A

Q. You mentioned considering the possibility of letting players change the amount of shells in tanks, as well as the belts and payloads of aircraft. Have you forgotten?

A. We haven’t forgotten. We see that players are requesting this feature. However, implementing payloads in the described manner is a very complex and extensive mechanic. It’s not a priority at the moment, but we may tackle this task in the future.


A good idea in general. German planes had the so called “Rüstsätze” (special kits/arsenal), where planes could get different kind of weaponry. I bet US, GB and USSR planes had this feature too, at least the bigger planes where you could chose bomb type and size.

Edit: The BR of the plane should change depending on the equiped weapons.

Actually, it should be changeable in battle, both on spawn screen and on rearm point, with available loadouts changing along with BR, so for example Ju-87 on BR2 only has up to single 500kg, but on BR3 he can take triple 250kg with up to maybe 1800kg on BR5. Also, a change to bomb and rocket launch order, many of current planes are hampered by their loadouts being dropped in pairs, whereas it would be more beneficial for it to be individually.

Oh sounds good, hope that it can be added : )
As i mentioned before:

pairs is to keep the plane balanced but the other order might make sense to change

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Would be interesring but useless.

not at all if you think it well, is basically a precision air strike which allows you to mark the exact coordinate of a tank and destroy it with a missile

I dont think so, if it can be shot like a HAVAR rocket vut explode like 1000+kg Bomb than it will fitt i guess

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That was true in reality, but this is a game, so we can make some breaks. Besides, it’s the player’s choice, so if he wants to, he can try to balance his plane with uneven loadout, or drop two at the same time, either by a setting or by just slamming the SPACE twice. We could actually try to make them truly custom, with an ability to go slightly overweight (as long as the plane could theoretically still take off) with the player being responsible if they take it too far and make it a barely flying brick with a turning radius size of Luxembourg and climb rate of “5 meters per season”.

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In a way, yes I agree, and it would be funny.