Combat notes: Mines

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Mines? Noā€¦proptip is mines with AP mines on top. So when soldier triggers AP mine, they both go BOOM.

Please, it was obviously a stylized joke :lying_face:

How more obvious could have I made it

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Damn I thought you said the big patch was coming in April RIP

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I hope they just stick to planned 4 battlepass per year. More gold orders for us.
And we already got factions that didnā€™t get new gold orders weapons - You may think itā€™s bad but it means no oldest gold orders get removed for that faction, so more time to buy them.
With how little gold we get and how many nice weapons there are now to get itā€™s kinda good, not like they can keep adding 10 new gold weapons every few months forever

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okayā€¦ landmines, the thing that screwed many of games that wouldā€™ve been otherwise won

but despite their annoyance i only have 2 things against them:

  1. they can be placed on ***** rally points
  2. they cannot be detected if beneath corpsesā€¦ itā€™d be cool if we got soldier with equipment to detect and disarm themā€¦

I think rally points should either provide protection from mines (there are several ways to achieve that) or they should get destroyed automatically when the enemy gets near them. The ability to mine rally points is one of the most cancerous things Iā€™ve ever seen in online games.

Enlisted is kind of full of those ā€œmost cancerous things everā€ at the moment, though. Hopefully that is going to change with the upcoming major updates.


At least one sucessful AP-mined rally per game is what iā€™m living for.

Can we expect information about the new soldier class in the coming weeks?

Staying with the topic of the post:
Personally I absolutely love using mines, even though they are expensive to outfit troops with.

My only question:
In the future, would it be possible (and likely) to add mine pouches to the backpack options?

I ask because grenade pouches are an option (and meta), yet we are only allowed one mine? Considering the mines are really only useful for defense and extremely rarely offense, they would provide a good option to directly counter attackers that are packing grenade pouches.

On top of that, they still take time and planning to set up, since if placed too close, it chains to the others and sets them all off. They are placed where you are and arenā€™t thrown like grenades, so you have to be in that area to place them there. They really wouldnā€™t be any stronger than grenades, but would create a nice balance.

TNT would need to be adjusted a little to allow multiple pieces connected to one detonator, (and it would be really nice if you could place the detonator nearby so it can be triggered from a location, rather than just a single character).

@1942786 I know the devs are pretty close-lipped about what may or may not be coming, however, could you at least tell me/ us if mine pouch backpacks have been even considered?

I think the meta devblog is about them and BR

Disagree with the first part since this is realistic. All mines, AP and AT should be visible by the enemy when theyā€™re placed. Though there could methods of making them harder to see. Like being able to bury them with a shovel for AT mines. Though yea, should be methods of disarming too.

It kinda works like this now - if you dig a small hole (just one swing of the shovel) and then put an AT mine in it, it will be much less visible.

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excuse me, if a corpse fell on a AP landmine it would fu****g explode

Thatā€™s my bad. Iā€™m confusing AP for booby traps.

The only thing this video did not say is to quickly go prone to avoid AP mines killing you, hard to do but has saved my life before.

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This is actually quite the opposite from my experience.

  1. Areas that have any sort of digging catch a players eye, even if its for just a moment. If they see something in that hole, they blow it up.

  2. Putting it in a hole actually makes it LESS LIKELY to go off when a tank drives over. In a normal situation, the track has to be either on it or very near it to go off. It usually wont go off if it is straddled, but on occasion it will if it is close enough. If its in a hole, it will almost never go off. (Iā€™ve tested it myself.)