Colored marks

Hi , i wish this small improvement would be in next patch . Lets say we play with discord / or other teamspeak programs , and i ping for enemies , its hard for my party understand where are they by just saying i marked them , because all the pings are same color ( red ) . Is it hard to make your teammates from lobby , to have different color marks ?


Sounds like a good idea, they could be more orange or something like that, just how the blue icon above allies shows who your teammates are

yea its been suggested before, as with coloured arty strikes, so you know if its your team and its safe to be there or not

if its been suggested , do you know why it was never updated ?

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Markers in general have long needed some additional fixes;

having different colors for the spotting markers would also be good however.

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Ye , that’s the main problem for now :smiley: atleast for me/us

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