Can Enlisted became Active Market selling stuff and etc

Gaijin market place is what you are asking for. First research on gaijin market place how they work and etc. Then decide if you really want it.

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But I don’t know if there is anything worth trading in this game?

Exactly this game doesn’t have 2000 dollars worth of e100 tanks.

Maybe legacy MP717(r) and M93?

I have 27 m93 rifles but I won’t be selling them. Not sure about others though.

The events would get exponentially more grindy. Just look at the warthunder events


No, go back to scamming CS:GO skins
We don’t need more thirdies shitting up the game trying to make a buck


considering the size of community id guess your looking to get about 2dollars for your 50usd premium squad if sold.

Also im quite sure gaijin just like steam would not allow “real” money transfers.
You would be looking at 3rd party trading websites that either are real or scams you.


Q: Are there any plans to link Enlisted with the Gaijin Marketplace and make event squads/weapons able to be traded there?
A. In the long term, we’d like to integrate the market into Enlisted. In the future, we want to make events more convenient and introduce content suitable for trading. We believe this will enable more players to access premium content just by playing the game.


yuck. is this what Gen Z thinks gaming is? just another avenue for a gambling addiction?



I’d like this in theory - but not in terms of real money.

But letting me sell/trade my old event squads, weapons, gold order weapons/soldiers to other players for silver or other unique items/cosmetics - yes please. And buying things I’ve missed out on from other players for silver, definitely.

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Brace Yourselves. The events are only gonna get worse after marketplace gets added


Not really, you don’t need steam for gaijin market.

I wish one could downvote threads. How does gambling and scamming help make the community better? You’re an idiot.

I just want to give newbies option to get few mp-717. I would gladly sell few dozens of them to different players.

Not all you think its about scam and gambling lol dumb.they gna find the way how to solve it

For sure crafting events are garbage, and normal events take 2x as much so you could get a ticket to sell those vehicles while at same time they forced you to play 20 games a day to get enough score through normal games. Good thing that i don’t care about selling them and nor care about WT events since they are unplayable for bad players like me that struggle to get even a single kill.

So after the steam can be active?

EA Sport players: there is some game in my gamble addiction