Can DF stop joking and give us a belt mg

Then realise I’m a moderator and moderator don’t know those things, how much time I need tell you it, ask an helper

Hold my beer…


Imagine the gun barrel after shooting 1000 rounds💀


I’m pretty sure around the 200 mark, if sustained, you would already have some degree of failure

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the longer it takes, the number goes up


Firing a thousand rounds continuously would cause some degree of structural failure out of the barrel if not just outright overheating it and causing the regular issues. They didn’t have the level of research that we have to today for firearms like fluting the barrel, etc. so while possible it would be highly unlikely that something like that would ethically be used.

While I do agree that they could use a 100 round LMG at some point It’s up for debate for when. Not every faction needs to stand on even footing with other factions, Some factions are clearly just better than others in some areas. Russians have the infantry, Allies have the planes, Germany has the tanks, etc. It’s all a delicate balancing act to make sure each faction functions off of their strong suit and they’re not too strong in that area compared to other factions and not too weak to another fractions strong suit.

Just look at the Allies They still don’t have AT weapons for late tier that are over 105mm base pen, Germany still doesn’t have the 100 round LMG, USSR still is lacking proper AT and vehicles that THEY made or purchased (and didn’t steal or lend lease from someone else), japan still needs planes and tanks and let’s face it a fair amount of other things. This all plays into the fact that a large portion of the game is missing still, It’s all in time. Although it’s better some things come sooner rather than later, looking at you Manchuria and Manila campaigns.

Edit: T-34 excluded, since they have like a dozen variants.

DF hates Axis and want us to become a PVE punching bag nation. BR4-5 are now completely unplayable due how weak we are compared to USA and Soviets.
And memeing about KT won’t work since T-34-85 can easily pen that piece of junk and Usa now has Pershing, P47 and Firefly.



I’d argue that axis actually should have an upper hand when it comes to MGs.
Friendly reminder that exactly this was the excuse for / counter to better russian SMGs back in the day.


I would rather take superior infantry weapons of Soviets and now Americans rather than KT that gets demolished in a single hit by anything of it’s BR anyway. And it’s not like 85mm cannons can’t pen you frontally they can and will. Japan now got a lot more firepower with their Super Hei, Tokyo Arsenal and Type 100 LMG and now in better state than underpowered Germany.

Germany have inferior rifles across all BRs - SVT-38/SVT-38, AVT-40, T20, Hei Automatic, M1 Garand, Winchester, Lee Enfield - Are all better than Germany equivalent, we have inferior MGs across all BRs - BAR, M2 Stinger, RD-44, Maxim, Fedorov MG, Johnson LMG, RPK1943 - All better than German equivalent, we have literally the worst smg of all nations - MP38, Beretta M1 and MP40 that i had to fight with DF like a hungry starving dog to put on BR2 and that gun is still inferior to Lanchester, PPS-42/43, Type 2a. At BR3 Soviets and Japan always dominate while Germany has to rely on event smgs to compete with Soviets and Americans carrying Thompsons and Lanchester 50.

So what do we have left? STG44? It got powercreeped by even better AS-44 and Fedorov is another option for superior Soviets. FG42? Always been worse than AVT-40 and now with T20 and Hei Automatics it’s just a joke of a weapon. Kiraly? Even PPSh-41 box (with a broken dispersion) at BR3 is way way better than that BR5 Axis smg.

So what’s the point of playing as Germany? It’s the objectively worst nation in the game. Only a couple of good gold order weapons and having Panzerfausts save it from being completely useless.

*For Money

Should be increased to 660 rof or higher. At BR5 it will be worse than M1919 that already fires too slow for my taste. I was thinking of buying it but after seeing it’s rof i don’t really feel like wasting gold order.

Tell this to the stinger its much better but I’m gonna replace it the first opportunity i have with the new gold order weapon cant wait finally my British setup is complete !

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Well for me it doesn’t matter I’m buying it I’m only sad that I cant find enough gold orders to buy Murata Type 22 rifle … :frowning:

Firefefly is premium I have it and its weaker then Panther. I have Panther and Firefly I dont see what the problem with Firefly is …

P47 lol is not that good I shoot it down with Zero specially against Japan P 47 is such a easy kill. When you get KI -61 Otsu you are just deleting it in seconds sadly Ki-84 is not worth it I tried it and it just meh but KI-61 is amazingly good P 47 can be destroyed easily with KI-61 or Ki 84 to be honest I have more problem with AP 4C then the P 47

this in case of japan but what about germany actually the only plane that i found that can deal with p47 is the BF 109 G-10 and the G-6 too

AP 4C? honestly never had a big problem with this one but as i can see in it´s stadistics that have a an actual slower turn time than G-10 and g-6

But actually one of those planes with 250kg should not be bad cause both don´t have decent infantery support

Well I haven’t played much German planes here but if they are like in war thunder FW 190 D or FW 190 A-8 can easily deal with it .

KI 84 Ko is amazing for Duels but has low ammo and low HP but against P 47 you can easily outmaneuver him but Ki 61 is like a flying tank so much ammo its not that good for duels but its good enough and you have enough ammo to take down 2 -3 planes. With GE I have only BF 109 G6

It is better to put the MG42 with 250 Ammo Belt and 1800 Rate of Fire in the Research Tree


Oh no my friend, you can’t be further from truth :laughing:
When you use Fw190, you don’t have time to fight with the enemy because you need to fight with your plane. Their fly model is very broken.


Well I don’t know I never used it they need to fix it then cuz in war thunder is amazing plane


The D-12 version is a slow-spinning Tractor with wings

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The premium one fly decently that’s why I purchased it