Aint nobody got time for this. Buff healing speed around medkit boxes regardless of healing perk.
(And also make bot heal themselves, maybe use a HP threshold forcing them to use their medkit rather quickly regardless of perk)
Aint nobody got time for this. Buff healing speed around medkit boxes regardless of healing perk.
(And also make bot heal themselves, maybe use a HP threshold forcing them to use their medkit rather quickly regardless of perk)
I definitely do not want this feature. It would meant they can be insta killed just because they have wasted medkits to get full health. Not a good kauf.
It’s always better to have medkit rather than be on full health.
yeah, been thinking about this.
My original thought has always been to let the player set this option by themself.
Like some “force AI to use medkit at … HP” option. Or not at all.
But thought it would be too hard to code for them
Yeah, sounds too complex for our devs.
exactly, they introduce mechanics as if they had no idea how fast the pace of the game is, in my opinion, the medbox should work in such a way that, for example, it heals you as long as you use it with the F key. You can run, stop for 5 seconds to heal yourself and keep running .
It reminds me a little of Battlefield, but I like this feature.
The problem is that Enlisted has fewer “wounded” soldiers alive than Battlefield. Most soldiers die or are torn apart by bombing after just one shot. So, even if a limb is blown off, it is a good idea to give the recovery box a powerful buff that will heal the wound in an instant if there is a box nearby, even if the soldier is dead.
AI using a medkit to heal at a certain threshold wouldn’t be an issue if they automatically used the medkit box when in close proximity, WITHOUT the player having to manually switch to each character.
They would only heal when they had at least one spare medkit in their inventory.