Budapest 1944-45: The Eastern Front's Forgotten Stalingrad

Buda castle, the medieval citadel of Budapest, the defenders of the city would make their final stand in this location.
Situated on the high ground and protected by a natural more than 100m tall mountain it was very well defendable.
Its design had been well tested in the prior centuries, with strong walls and deep underground storage rooms to shelter both soldiers and civilians from artillery as well as protect ammuntion and food reserves.
The defenders also enjoyed a good line of sight on city around them, denying the enemy the element of surprise.
Fighting would only end with the Axis surrender, they had defiantly held their ground until the last bullet.



Thank you for your post.

Very detailed and I fully support this idea. Some tech tree Romanian squads would be nice.

I’d also add the Battle for Vienna (Austria) (Germany VS USSR) and Salzburg/Tyrol region for Allies.

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Well not necessarily, Kursk is not a field but a City.

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Well in Hell Let Loose you can see how would Kursk would look like:
Taking This Strongpoint Was a Freakin’ Nightmare…

Most Satisfying Kursk Experience | Hell Let Loose

Just regarding the Kursk debate:

Kursk in War Thunder is logical.

But Kursk in Enlisted??? Kursk may be a city but when anyone says ‘Battle of Kursk WWII’ everyone thinks heaps of tanks going head to head on a large open field.

Now even if that was practical in Enlisted (Id argue it’s not), the fact is we can only have 2 tanks per team each round at a certain time.

So 4 tanks total on the battlefield, that’s not really a Kursk experience is it?

Some people have suggested previously a ‘special consideration’ for Kursk allowing more tank spawns but I cant see that happening for one map (and it would be difficult to implement).

I really dont understand the obsession with Kursk. Budapest looks far more interesting, I personally have argued for Vienna since Ive been there and Id like to see Austrian locations in game.

There’s lots of opportunities with Budapest, like Hungarian squads, a summer late war map for Germany-USSR, a large city that isnt Berlin or Stalingrad (Stalingrad maps suck anyway).

We havent seen Hungarian architecture in game yet and Budapest/Hungary more broadly isnt covered in games often.

Indeed I wish Enlisted would make battles that arent as common (fix D Day for a start),
eg. Tobruk, Kokoda Track, Balikpapan, Singapore, Vienna, Budapest, Sino-Japanese War generally, Syria-Lebanon campaign, early and/or late war Poland, the list goes on.

Rather than the same old same old:
Kursk, D Day, Berlin, Stalingrad, Iwo Jima
that every single WWII game and documentary has waaayy over done.



Hey look another vehicle DF can add that belongs to USA-UK but theyll only let USSR have…

(M3 Scout Car)


If even a random Chinese Lego ripoff brand can make Battle of Budapest…
I think DarkFlow can…

*Note Yes this is labelled specifically as ‘Battle for Budapest’

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The effort put into this post is commendable, I totally agree that budapest would be an excellent candidate for additional new maps. More hungarian equipment and cosmetics would also be a big plus, Hungary has many potential guns that could be added to the game.



chuck in some toldi, Turan, Zrinyi, nimrod and you got a deal!


Sluban is actually quite good quality and much more affordable than lego. I still prefer cobi tho but i own couple sluban sets

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I know this topic isnt about lego but i recently found a schewere gustav set, i forgot what they are call but i might buy it ngl i love big gun

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Well Budapest does make sense, overall Germany was 100% in the retreat after Kursk, and most occupied cities fell rather quickly back into Soviet hands, Budapest, Minsk some fighting at Warsaw or Soviets crossing the Dnjepro river could be all interesting scenarios because there still was fighting going on, but in the end even Berlin was quickly dealt with, so since we have that map as a major battle, basically everything is doable.

I think all kinds of locations could work, but fact is the most iconic battles on the eastern front were Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad and Kursk.

If you pick another one of those one should think about a good reason to do so, like what does it add to the game we havent got so far.

Sieges at Leningrad could be super cold and semi dark maps to portrait the desperation and horrible nature of that front,

Budapest inner city could be a super unique gameplay experience, same for Minsk.

I was recently thinking about the southern front, fighting along the Don river at Rostov could also be interesting for sure.


I would think about this from a different perspective - take a look at the quarry map, no one would say that it is a “open flat field map” yet it is still clearly a tank heavy map. If the quarry would be missing (or in other words if the map would be flat) tanks would actually have a harder job.

IF a Kursk map would be implemented, having parts of the city being fought over, while also having parts open field - BUT with irregular hills and farm houses added to give infantry cover from tanks, then the map would work just fine.

I heard rumors on the war thunder forum that a Budapest map is in works, can anyone confirm this, its about a year old “theory”.

Even if WT Budapest is set in a later date than 1945, it would still have many unique buldings and the overall city layout which DF could just port over.
That would be extremely convinient for Darkflow if this rumour holds any truth to it.