Biker Squad Update

Once again I come to counter our beloved helmet bro, Stein in his crusade of wanting to eradicate the motorcycle squad with something that has been mentioned in the discord chats and the forum: rework the squad and you will surely ask me, how Damn, can we do such a thing? well, here are some ideas:

-Allow the squadron to have the ability to move between the different br with modifications, for example, for br 1,2,3 to give an example, the German motorcycle uses the mg 34, but in br 4 and 5 it can carry one of the historical variants of the mg 42 (I know there were several models but it’s just to give an example)

-That there be through the unlockable skills branch the option to access more crew and change the motorcycle for a “jeep” style version of each faction and with its premium version to the original versions of the squad without having the same versatility as the APC, differentiating them so that they can coexist together

-GIVE for god love Japan and Soviets their own motorbike squads, a premiun and a branch version

edit: a funny photo for you all





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I could get behind the halftrack ones, but the basic motorcycle squad is honestly pretty worthless, I’m open to suggestions that will keep it relevant, but at this point I seem better off on foot.

Like removing the sidecar? I’m all in.

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Difference between 34 and 42 is negligible, bad example.

Imo riders should get light vehicles like jeeps and later armoured cars/recon vehicles.
Or… something like sdkfz251/9 and AT bren carrier from the ongoing event. Makes the most sense.

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I was thinking in make customizations for your vehicles but I like your concepts

premium one the type 97 and regular ones the captures from soviets or the other jap motorbikes
also…they have the kurogame but is only 2 places

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