Better Plane Armament a small list of few existing planes

I don’t care about the actual size of the bomb(100kg+ is best against tanks)
As long as we can actually blow up the tank, that’s fine.
I don’t mind the lower class planes only having 250 lbs X1
As long as it doesn’t have a forced pull-up like a certain 250X2 fighter, it’s fine.

:fr: :croissant: :baguette_bread: ahh yes even Americans finally admit they use the metric system xD

absolutelly no

Ah, you got me

Yes, we use 9mm, 10mm, and grams for drugs

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Washington Discovers the Metric System (SNL Parody)

We almost adopted the metric system when the country was first founded. However, the samples we ordered from france got lost because pirates raided the ship and never got here. Thus, we stuck with the Imperial System and built every last bit of our infrastructure around 12ths. Which is convenient as you can divide 12 by half, thirds, fourths, and sixths. We got half inch pipes, quarter inch bolts, etc etc etc. Whereas 10 you only have half, but ya’ll decide to just use 10 and only 10. You know, so it’s easier
But yeah, if france could defend its own crap, we could be using metric right now as our main measurement system. Instead of a secondary science only system

ohh its just ironic xD
So let me put this straight the smartest people are using the metric system even in America ? :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I mean who would have thought that smart people prefer to use accurate system instead of eagles per freedom xD

You ever hear of the Challenger? I can’t remember if this was the confirmed or just suspected reason, but it blew up because the parts of the rocket went through multiple conversions back and forth as the scientists used metric and the companies manufacturing the parts used imperial. It was one giant mess that ended up causing parts to not be the correct specs
So after the Challenger NASA started using more metric. Eventually becoming NASA’s official measurement system

Almost all other sciences also use metric due to how precise it can get. As mm’s and the levels further down are better for tiny measurements than inches

Meanwhile in all layman applications where “good enough” is more than satisfactory, read construction, then inches, feet, and yards are perfectly fine. A 2x4 plank of wood doesn’t need to perfectly be 2x4. A half inch pipe doesn’t need to perfectly be a half inch. So forth and so on. It gives leeway in manufacturing defects. We pave roads and pour concrete by the yard, yet no road nor concrete structure will ever be perfectly X yards. It’s not necessary for them to be so

It’s just easier in a way. Lol

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