Battle Pass shop discounts

I have three Gold weapon orders and so I realize that I need three G43ks

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I highly recommend the Beretta 1918/30 which is very useful in both BR1 and BR2.

Mkb35/III is very unique since it’s the only assault rifle in the game with a BR lower than 5, however that doesn’t mean it’s OP, it has DPS similar to MP40 and M1 Beretta but Mkb does better at longer ranges.

Set of suppressed weapons for Germany is a nice deal too, you get a pistol and a Erma mp which is decent for BR2.


Thank you all

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What´s this?

Relogin into the game and it will be fixed

Ok, thanks.

I really like you guys doing this! Wish the Gold Order shop stayed, but its at least a nice send of!

Yeah, it very well describes the situation lol


should i get 1 mondragon? i have farquhar for allie so i think getting it counterpart would be nice right?

maybe svt with drum mag as well

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I have 4 and I love them - high damage and good accuracy for a German semi.

That being said its recoil is terrible - which doesn’t matter tho when you know how to deal with it.


Hello good eve, all of it starts good, good discounts, good updates, even the battlepass items were back but would you please provide me an answer in regards to this, its kind of demoralizing considering this is my country is how it is treated. Please resolve this as soon as possible, Its already hard to obtain an event squad with just 0.5% of getting it but this is too much.

while i think we all know the answerd, they better fix the cunrrent undiserable bp format before the next one since theyre removing gold orders officially and no i dont meant just add more time per bp to fix fomos that would just make everything else worse

I really wish the Gold Order shop doesn’t close after this, I mean thank you guys for bringing more options for this season but the GO Shop doesn’t have to go away when it was one of the objectively good and player friendly things about this game that benefited both the game itself and the players for reasons previously stated by numerous players on the thread about the battlepass changes :frowning:


Restart the game, fixes it

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Too late for that. We have already tried lol.

Greetings, I tried to buy GO italian soldier Lorenzo Riveberi, it dissapeared from shop and the GO was consumed, but never received the soldier. Is this an italian incompetence reference? Will it be fixed? Please mighty snail don’t troll me on this

Seems like it is more serious problem.

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Why when i click on more detail it said 12 day left?

that is gonna fuel my paranoia

it shows discount expiry date, not disappearance of GO weaponn shop


oh im stupid sorry