Battle Pass in a new format!

yea i dont even play everyday and this new format is bad tbh imo

with current one i dont have to play everyday and i still can get it done dont know about the new one tbh


but that’s irrelevant ?

well, for what my point was anyway

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well you were quoting below military rank quote


True you had to play for 25 days to finish 90 day battlepass. Now it’s 10x3 = 30 days to finish 3x 30day battlepasses. It’s not much since it’s just 5 more days but it’s increased by 20%.

All DF wants is to keep us addicted to the endless grind, Enlisted players already look like zombie army but after a few months of grinding we will become undead skeletons.


It only the the Type Kō
And it is not certain them gonna be out on TT. What stopping them from adding to again on BP and event or locked in premium exclusive.

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35 day and 30 levels ,every day you can get 3 task done that means you can finish the pass in 10 days but F2P players have to play 30 days seems to be very bad for F2P


Honestly F2P players should be able to finish it in the same time as b2p players, they won’t be getting 4 guns without buying pass for 900 gold only 1 is given to them.

ah i see.

i did an opsi.

i initially quoted the military rank system because i was about to go on a tangent.

but it was irrelevant as were kinda major nitpicks compared to the rest of the message.
so i just removed the message but left in the quote.

what i was going for, is in general.

making the whole bp shorter in term of availability is not great imo.

well, i can see it gives the wrong impression linking it to the ranks now that i come to think about it.

but… quite frankly, i don’t care much about ranks, and since we are talking about ranks, they could ( rather should ) simply disappear and no one would bat an eye.


F2Ps losing access to bp vehicles on next BP?


oh yea didnt thought of that how are they suppose to buy GO vehicle now?

this is bad tbh i do need some of those GO vehicle

You will only get one from the new season you won’t be able to chose since old shop will be gone.

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i thought it was only weapon tho?

as in f2p get only 1 weapon

f2p don’t get a single gold vehicle, only one weapon + one soldier

Players with the basic Battle Pass will be guaranteed to receive one unique weapon of the season and one unique soldier, while players with the Elite Battle Pass will get four weapons, two unique soldiers and two vehicles with unique camouflage!

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We’ll take some feedback around these topics for developers, thanks. :slight_smile:

Though, purchasing a BP does reduce the grind to <10 days of completing tasks (including weekly tasks too), and gives you all the Gold you spent on it back, PLUS 100 per BP, so you can get 300 extra Gold for the same length as one “old” BP season where you could only get 100 extra. This means you can store this up and skip a few BPs should you want, picking and choosing the ones you like the most.

And since they come thick and fast now, there’s more content for players to access (4 copies of each gun, many more soldiers and vehicle camos per season than before and at a quicker pace), and less waiting for new stuff since you can get it much quicker (in < 1 month, rather than 3 months, for new weapons). :slight_smile:


No like I said type otsu carbine was tested with 10 round magazine and again type Ko had multiple variants made that can be added and not to mention type hei first prototype & Nambu semi auto rifle
Nambu semi auto, first prototype of Hei rifle and I assume first variant of type KO at bottom which are not in game single image proves that type KO is not the only semi-auto that we can get in TT with 10 rounds

Image above type KO cavalry variant with needle type bayonet which we can get
Above type KO long with bipod we can get in TT

Type KO No2 we can get
No 1 not in game we can get
And image below is chart that shows type otsu carbine was tested with 10 round


so they cant get GO vehicle anymore? that is really bad tbh


Kicked in the guts for them

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Yep complete neglect of f2p especially since i guess they also want to remove Gold Vehicle/Weapon/Soldier Orders from daily logins…


yea f2p cant skip grind anymore with GO vehicle this is not good tbh even i use GO vehicle to skip some grind (like with jap Ki 84 Ko)

i guess anyone who want to skip high br jap plane line gotta buy that quick before it gone

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Will there be a theme in the BP anymore? just like previous BPs