Battle Pass in a new format!

I haven’t logged in or checked the details, but it’s usually what happens. Unless of course, something’s changed that I’m not yet aware of. :slight_smile:

Wrong now they don’t give any gold so it paid

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They just want to remove F2P from the game by denying the hard way to get the BP. It piteful


alright, thanks once again.

nevertheless and tbh the new BP is an imrpovement from my point of view.

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Create FOMO
Target goal :moneybag:
Kick f2p in the guts


Why would holidays make the battle pass season longer?

The devs are on holiday. That means when the battlepass ends, no-one is around to kick off another.

Everybody deserves a holiday at some point.

Wait no way, your saying, the devs kicked this burning shitheap into the works with next to no warning for the playerbase, and took their scheduled holidays right after???

I dont know if they knew what they were doing here, or are just genuinely so naïve they somehow thought this was going to go by without any issues?

I’d harp on here but I’m sure you all know my opinions at this point, 1I’ll save us all the hassle.


This is not a legitimate excuse. They have everything ready for next season already. They could of easily just allowed it to roll over properly.

No more
Right to choose
Gold for F2P
Or BP vehicles for F2P

Improvement is making something better then what it is not by segregating a part of the playerbase from what they where already getting


Yes it is.

Such a fan boy!

Long time player, first time commenter!

This new BP change is so bad, it got me to actually check out the Enlisted forums (and play two battles because I apparently haven’t played in over two weeks)! Props for that!

Changing the BP to make it shorter isn’t actually that bad of a change, as it proverbially cuts a lot of the fat and makes the BPs a bit more condensed with good/more desirable rewards, scratches the itch of making progression through the BP. Plus, I LOVE all of the customization orders we’re getting now.

You know what I definitely don’t agree with, aside from the fact that this shit was dropped on us at such short notice? Getting rid of gold vehicle, soldier, and most importantly weapon orders to give us additional weapons, vehicles, and soldiers that we may, or may not want is insane behavior, bordering on malicious - and even self-destructive, as what was once a difficult task (keeping everyone happy) will become borderline impossible as people will start to feel pissy about their desired nation not getting a BP weapon, or unique soldier, or unique vehicle. Player choice is of the utmost importance in games, and what this effectively does is remove our choice and leave us at the mercy of the developers (who do a lot of heavy lifting to destroy goodwill with the community). The old system, which did have its faults (namely not rewarding a sufficient amount of gold orders) wasn’t worthy of being thrown out like this.

How about instead of taking player choice and throwing it in the trash, you give us four gold weapon orders, two gold soldier orders, and two gold vehicle orders and let us choose where to invest our time, and resources? With the current system, as a Japanese main - I am forced to wait until you drop the third season (2nd Season, 2025) to get my greasy mitts on a BP weapon for my preferred faction; and it’s not even for a BR I regularly play, so that’s SUPER. You know what I didn’t have to worry about with the old system? Waiting for content for my faction because I could, at my own behest, on my OWN time, buy whatever I wanted for gold weapon orders.

Also, Jeez - just give the F2Ps their damn 100 gold back. It’s a paltry sum, but it’s ridiculous that we’re sacrificing player goodwill for… well what it appears to be, at first glance, greed.

Plus, saying once the shop is killed off - these weapons will come back has an awfully ominous air to it (especially following the Veteran’s Boxes); and to be frank, if this is the new format of the BP going forward; I’m pretty much done playing. This was an unwarranted, unsolicited, and undesirable change; but it’s not too late to walk it back.


This new BP season I want the I-185M-82, the USSR flamer II and 4 x winchester.
So I give 900 gold, do simple tasks and get all that nice stuff plus 1000 gold.
That’s a no brainer.

If in the next season, there is nothing I want, I will simply not get it.
Easy as that.

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This is one my biggest fears about the removal of the Gold Order shop, that aaaaall those GO weapons and vehicles will just be thrown out to the next veteran box and the chances to get anything specific you want get even more miniscule at the end


For me that’s not the main problem, I don’t mind the shorter BP periods either, my issue is the removal of the Gold Orders and Gold Order shop, say for example I don’t want the Pavesi SVT that was on the previous Battlepass, very simple! I don’t use my Gold Order on it and don’t get it! Instead I get a nice Gold Order to spend it on the BSA Thompson or the Yazikov SMG or I can just wait for the next BP and use it on whatever gets my interest, Gaijin/DF don’t really lose and neither do I when I get to choice whatever I want.

With the Gold Order shop it literally brings a solution to players not interested in the new rewards and gives them a reason to give them money to play for the battlepass regardless because they will have an entire list of other available options to spend their Gold Orders on something they are actually interested in, this is literally a downgrade even for them and not just the player base losing fredoom of choice unless they plan to throw the GO weapons and vehicles on the next veteran box or every so often in very few events in order to squeeze more money via FOMO


Also if for some reason this planned removal of Gold Orders and it’s shop is because some players were hoarding Gold Orders it doesn’t make any sense when I’m and others are instead drowning on callsign change orders given by the truck load from the veteran’s box and they are rarely only use to give tank crews their specific role as callsign other than that they are pretty useless, the hoarding argument doesn’t stand well when the game can give lots of other things you don’t want or ever use lol


Dude, yes. I have so many useless-ass callsign orders. I literally never use them, and am sitting on piles upon piles of them. I typically have between 0 - 2 gold weapon orders. Y’know why? …because they used to not give them out enough for the BPs.


Thats also true, people have rose tinted glasses on when looking at the old system. But there were better options. They could have just given more instead of taking away choice for instance.

Its like they solved 90% of the problems with the previous BP, and than did a fuck up for the Gold Order system. If they just reversed that decision everyone would be quite positive I think.

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Yep. The old system was flawed, most of the BP changes ARE positive. The BP was too long, the rewards were too diluted with random garbage. But instead of just shortening the BP down to 30 levels, giving you 35 days, and then giving you four gold weapon orders, the soldier orders, etc. - they do this silly nonsense of making it so we’re beholden to the mercy of the developers to ensure we get the content we want. I seriously hope they walk that back, I really do - but I completely doubt it.