Battle Pass in a new format!

I actually believe that players has the reason to keep the gold orders.


Both of these two Pz 4 F2s came from Stalingrad, but one of them has been equipped with additional armor. This can be said there are ‘just better’ items between different BP seasons (and not to mention preferences), so do, for example the Type Hei 10 and Type Hei Late, as well as Soldiers’ classes (like Flametrooper II undoubtly overwhelmed Flametrooper I).

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All that sounds good, but with 10 EUR/BP for 1 month for an otherwise FP game it’s just the limit where it becomes harder to convince myself regarding the benefits for a game played 1 or 2 nights weekly.

Old version: basically pay 3 EUR/month to get a lot of tasks and rewards with no push for completing the battle pass. That’s a no brainer - take my money! I still have an evening left and I am 3 tasks away from the last necessary 100 golds for the next free ride, so that’s a plus.

During this summer/autumn I was off so long that I could not comment on forum at least twice, when I’m quite sure the new format’s next month free battle pass was an unreachable thing, and where the old format was more flexible. So I feel that with the new format I lose some time flexibility and I have a higher, less appealing entry fee cost/duration-wise. We’ll see.

Exactly. The devs should remember that video games are something that helps people unwind, go to a friendly place and do some satisfying things. If there is pressure and negative motivation (like fear of missing out), the game loses it’s appealing value.

That’s why I stopped playing WT and I’m not going back, looking on how it is rights now.


With the new shorter format the Elite BP would feel right for me around 500+100 gold per BP, costing 500 gold for next BP.

i think with these changes most of the new format problems should ve fixed My propose solutions for the new bp format

Besides game development…

I wonder if there are any sources can support that these two are really PPSh-“45”, as it sounds really illogical for Shpagin to make another compact SMG after the PPS, he’s own PPSh-2, and the so-called “Experimental PPSh with a Detachable Stock”, in 1945, where there are plenty of tests for new intermediate caliber rounds.

And notice the rear sight: why a 1945 prototype is using the early 1941 version? The early tangent sight has a maximum range of 500 meters, how can a compact weapon use this design?


(both of them are presented in-game BTW)


Well, they still won’t be able to get multiple pieces of the same BP weapon. Unless it returns as a reward for the event at some point in the future.

Which simply wasn’t the case up until now.
F2P players could get 4 of the same BP weapon.
Because they simply weren’t forced to waste their gold orders on weapons they didn’t want. Instead, they could invest those orders in the weapons they wanted.

So don’t present this change as something extremely pro-f2p player.


This weapon looks much more suitable for an event paratrooper squad. It’s a shame that we can only get 4 of these which is not enough to equip an entire paratrooper squad.

Their clever here, The first two BP weapons are either OP or desirable. Though the PPSH reskin is absolutely going to bite them in the ass, id be surprised if half the people that normally get the BP get that one.

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F2P used to, in the current system, get 1 random gold order depending on the BP type.

Now, they get at least 1 guaranteed weapon, and 1 guaranteed soldier, at a much quicker pace than before (fewer levels to achieve it, and therefore can get 3x this (meaning 3 different weapons and 3 different soldiers) in the time they would get just 1 prior).


Nah I would wait too if I knew you could do that, I just dont like the shitty inventory being full of junk I’m not currently using. Not when theres no way to sort it atm.

Not to mention it will always be funny to do goofy shit in game so people like yourself, cry at you “for wasting resources” or something, as if you didnt gather all those resources yourself.

Though on the flip side here, he can just claim all his event rewards now so its less of an issue.

10 buck, once untill you spend it otherwise or lose it in the progression

See it is nice in theory, but the problem is its just disingenuous, because if DF knew it were an issue, and wanted to fix it, all they had to do was add more GO’s to the mix, between say 2-3 more in the BP and 2-3 more offered during the combined total of events during the BP.

Can we please stop pretending this is to benefit the players, its frankly insulting to myself and others.


It doesn’t matter. It’s between having more of random crap VS having 4 weapons of your choice.

I bet a lot of F2P players don’t even play/grind all the factions.
So I don’t really see why they would care about having guaranteed weapons for factions they potentially don’t even play.

The thing you are saying looks good only on paper. In reality, it’s downgrade.

Why should F2P players care about ppsh45 which is basically just reskin for TT weapon?
They would never waste a golden order on something like that. They would definitely rather pick second copy of G43k or something more unique. Especially if they’re not even focused on Soviet faction in the first place.

Not to mention the fact that we could choose between weapons of various BRs.
What will new players do with the ppsh45? Huh?

What is stopping them to just give away golden orders more frequently? Rather than completely robbing players of their freedom of choice.


I only need the Chi to and Hino’s rifle front his event
With the current way I could in an instant they are added. But not the new format so no tnx rubbish.

Old way we get more content at once and certain factions weren’t excluded. Seem like it’s becoming a trade of this company to go downgrade instead of improving on what something that currently is.

It’s very clear this rubbish new format isn’t liked.


The Japanese faction still does not have air-deployed attack aircraft and low-BR air-deployed fighters. Good job, continue to let the defects of the Pacific Campaign continue to 2025

Oh look, Corpo speak. Hold on, I think I can translate. Ahem…

Dear unwashed masses of impoverished suckers. As you well know, our prices remain abhorrently high, and we haven’t understood the meaning of balance since our game was first launched. However, we wanted to let you all know that we, as a whole company of 5 boardroom directors with no input from anyone else, have decided that our CEO needs an all-expense paid vacation to Dubai on top of his 5 million dollars bonus this year. So, to fund this massive money sink, we have decided to pass on the costs to you the customer by manufacturing an artificial market glut of overpowered premium weapons for the whales to kick your collective buts with for the foreseeable future.

Oh, and dont worry, while your busy oohing and ahhhing about the return of the massive number of weapons we have arbitrarily withheld to drum up interest in our next lineup of poorly thought out premium garbage, we will be hard at work taking advantage of your distraction by removing your options to choose all future weapons and benefit in any way from gold orders that we previously gave out every major holiday. In exchange, we plan to cut your available time for each battpass by 2/3rds so that we can pump out more overpriced lists of filler content to artificially inflate your playtime. And don’t even think about looking at another game, or we’ll make sure you never see these weapons again since the battlepass store is going in the garbage can. FOMO? What’s that?

Remember, we here at Gaijin Studeos are hard at work manufacturing the next generation of problems to sell you the solutions to at a premium price. Here, check out our overpriced weapons and soldiers that most likely will not be max rank next season, but do have an XP bonus to alleviate the abhorrently slow promotion progress that we created.


They didn’t normalised plane spawn time either

Slow and perfunctory updates
No fundamental issues have been addressed, just some “unknown weapons”

You missed one point, because we made almost all profits from warthunder we have placed enlisted into hospice to give enlisted bed to warthunders growing buttocks, wake up enlisted is a making a small contribution b breaking even or c loosing money, ps paypigs enlisted can go on life support to plug pulled in a snap, consume product get excited for next product, if enlisted was a cash cow golden goose there would have been some kind of crossover with warthunder at the very least

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