Battle of Nanjing New Front BR I and BR II Campaign for USSR vs Japan 🇨🇳

Since USSR don’t have many early BR campaigns mostly you are playing Moscow why not give a bit of diversity and add a new campaign where you will be playing China in the battle of Nanjing.
Why Nanjing well there was Sino-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact that soviets aided China in the Battle of Nanjing and there was the most Soviet equipment used and in Wuhan. Also the Soviet Volunteer Group aided China 3,665 pilots and ground crew (peak). Already a lot of the USSR BR I and BR II early equipment is in the game and it was used by China:


Mosin–Nagant 1891 Mosin–Nagant 189130
Mosin-Nagant Model 1944

All this equipment is in game in the soviet faction just will be reskinned on this map to be with Chinese skins. And we can add new uniforms to replace the Soviet uniforms so on this map all the soldier customization and voice lines will be Chinese:


Chinese Uniforms
Uniform 3

Uniform 6
Uniform 7
Uniforms 2

We can add just 2 rifles for China to the Soviet Tech Tree USSR needs more bolt action options so they will fit nicely :
Hanyang 88:

Chiang Kai-Shek rifle:

And that way we will have China as a faction without introducing new faction it will be just new frontline for the soviets with replaced voice lines and uniforms fighting the Japanese.
Also the map will be amazing compared to Battles of Khalkhin Gol





As you can see Khalkhin Gol doesn’t have much to offer that will look different from Moscow maps while Nanjing map will be far more unique to be played at BR I and BR II :





Japanese Imperial Army Victory March Nanking 1937 日本軍の勝利は1937年南京行進

As you can see the map is very well documented and we have a lot of videos and pictures of the time to recreate it and it will be amazing map for BR I and BR II Soviet and Japanese players. Also we can add more Chinese equipment in the Soviet Tech Tree if there is interest like is the German/Italian and the US/UK tech tree.
Some other equipment that also can be added to the soviet tech tree if its needed:


Renault ZB black and white



Looks like someone also watches a lot of armchair historian videos.


he has very good art in his videos i watched them long time ago :smiley:


I honestly don’t think that the KMT forces would be a good fit for a Soviet sub-tree. The ROC had a lot more equipment in common with the US or Germany.

I could see the Battle of Nanjing being a US vs Japan or honestly even Germany vs Japan (weird as that would be).

For the Soviets, I think you could represent the CCP as a sub-tree fairly effectively. The Hundred Regiments Offensive would be the perfect setting for such a campaign.

Granted, there’s no perfect solution for China as a sub-tree, but I think this would work much better, historically speaking.


Well that’s why I suggested Nanjing cuz there soviet union was directly involved and they given a lot of equipment to the KMT :

Battle of Nanking - Wikipedia
Soviet Volunteer Group - Wikipedia

at the end of the day will be just this campaign where you wont even need to have China as a sub tree you will have them only in this campaign and all the cosmetics and soldiers dialogues will be Chinese. You can add a bit of equipment if you wish I also have given this option same way there is Italian divisions in German tech tree and British in US


I would enjoy china as a campaign itself as well actually… a great suggestion


There were Soviet Air volunteers involved in the battle of Nanjing, but to my knowledge no Soviets actually fought on the ground. It’s not dissimilar to the American Flying Tigers, who were a bit more famous.

Personally, I’m just speaking in terms of what sort of armaments and vehicles they’d be bringing to the battlefield. Early war ROC forces had more materiel support from the Germans (Armed with things like Gewehrs, MP 18’s, Mausers, Panzers, etc.) and Late War they had more support from the US and UK (M1 Carbines, Garands, STENS, Stuarts, etc.), which is why I think they’d probably fit better worked into one of those trees.

You would add Chinese forces into Burma too, If they were incorporated into Allied tree, since that campaign was largely fought by Chinese and Brits.

That said, I still think the CCP’s Hundred Regiments Offensive would work well as a Soviet Campaign, if the Chinese needed to be incorporated in that way.


Well you had Sino-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact - Wikipedia

That Soviet Union Supplied Mosins ,PPDs,PTRD-1941, T-26,BT tanks and BA-10 armored cars because China lost big part of it German equipment in Shanghai and Madsen was used a lot almost as much as ZB so In Wuhan and Nanjing Chinese used a lot of USSR equipment even DP-28. It was like 3,000 PPDs and 5,600 DP-28 and more it was not a small aid package.

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Well it can also bring some interesting equipment to USSR for BR I and BR II like semi automatic rifles BR I ground attacker and a bit more same way Italians have equipment in the German tech tree


THEN,we should add the suicide dudes with grenade vests should be added too


I can imagine the charging with swords cancer of this type of squad xD


china should just be its own standalone faction that is limited to br 1-3

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if it is soviet vs japan, then it should be either khalkin gol or soviet invasion of manchuria. from what i saw of khalkin gol pictures, it seems like really bad map for fps.

by that logic we could also have US vs japan in there too cause of flying tigers.

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In another campaign why not but we already have US vs Japan :smiley:

Dark Force needs to be adding a map or two with the Soviets against Japan, if nothing else that might help do away with the need for the +2 soft rule as Japan has someone else to fight other then the US.


The Soviet Union and the United States can jointly own some Chinese equipment
Just like the Soviet Union has a lot of American military equipment


Battles of Khalkhin Gol would make sense to me, in many photos from Nomonhan there are hills and trees, a river and buildings.

Nomonhan _7_0

Some locations from Battle of Tunisia are not super urbanalized either. And the clash of the Japanese with the Soviet Union itself would diversify playing both factions. Or even the end of the struggle in Manchuria.


Well Battle of Mutanchiang will be best option cuz it will be interesting map to play. Khalkhin Gol will be very bad map i really doubt they can make it interesting map. But Nanjang as a different campaign will bring different flavor and different customizations and some representation of China that is rarely depicted in World War 2 games.

I’m not entirely against this because we can group these early conflicts like the Soviet-Sino battles and the Winter War as being apart of this overarching period of great war…….

But I think for now we should stick strictly to WW2

Instead of moving backwards we can have the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, the last campaign of WW2

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Manchuria is a must should be in the game it has a lot of interesting map potential.