Battle Notes: targeting

Took you 2+ years to finally add tutorials into the game. For what it’s worth, thank you, about F-ing time !

waiting for tutorial about rally points… still lot of people who dont know how to build them…

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On some aspects yes. Like engineer tutorial.

But a video one is also a source of pub outside the game. And can be shared

Said vid tho, still should be played inside the game on some tutorial tab or menu

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Thats my main concern because I dont know how they wanna make people watch the video on YT beyond this news article and a link.

Hey thanks for the video, Devs
hey i even found a video, for you guys

Oh here is some sound advice

  1. Test your game. Whether you do the testing yourself or outsource the task to quality assurance (QA) testers, every game must be tested thoroughly before it is released. QA testers test gameplay from a technical standpoint. The QA team will play through a title multiple times, writing up detailed bug reports, and taking note of any crashes. This is a lengthy but necessary process, as gamers are less likely to play a title riddled with glitches or errors, even if it’s free.

Great idea, needs to be built into the game for new players too!

The most important other topics being objectives & game modes and engineers/rally points.

Probably also worth drawing some attention to chat/quick chat - and improving it for that matter, to also allow chat before/after a game.

savage :laughing:

and why would they if we’re willing to do this for free, meanwhile even paying for some of the features?


Вы (на мой взгляд,хотя я думаю моё мнение разделяют большое колличество игроков) не правильно классифицируете свою игру,она отнюдь не позиционная как всем хотелось бы это видеть.Всё происходит довольно быстро,и нет смысла отвлекаться на весь этот интерфейс,максимум направит бойцов на точку,да и на это бывает нет времени.Могли бы автоматически сделать их забег на позиции ,а уж кому надо жми(х) и направляй на своё усмотрение.Вообщем, чем меньше кнопок задействованно в управлении тем лучше.Тут и без этого много …трудностей.Почему нельзя бежать с биноклем в руке?Ведь нажимая цыфру 8 боец останавливается и смотрит в монокуляр и не может при этом двигаться.Это же вообще ни тема.

Noted, thanks for suggestion c:

About progress devblog: All i can say is soon.


Players who have no tutorial or have skipped all tutorials:

and said:everyone are cheaters in the game(i’m not said our game haven’t cheater)


@1942786, I’m really glad you guys are doing official videos now! I’ll definitely start advising players I encounter to them.
Personally, I didn’t know that your AI take them into consideration!

Just to note:

  • I would like to see distances also labeled for AT soldiers
  • I would REALLY like to see mortar squads reworked to be able to make use of both mortars at once. perhaps by using the marking system? Where you can tell them to sit somewhere then use binos to mark out targets for them. I know a lot of players don’t use mortars due to lack of team support, so this could help.

As far as other videos, how to PROPERLY set up engineering fortifications! I would happily help collaborate for that too!

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yes. hopefully they will come.
But a very detailed tutorial is already present ingame ! dont forget it :slight_smile:

For real.

As a Russian speaker and a bit of a languages connoisseur, hearing the mix of “playeRs” (Am.E.) and “impOtant” (Br.E.), accompanied with the Russian closed [e] as in [ken agein] (can again) is quite fascinating.

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This is like telling drivers to use their indicators/turn signals, and sad because it needs to be done - not enough people spot

They should make a tutorial on how to use your squad AI, because that’s what I think new players struggle with. (based on my observations)

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