Barret scope gives black screen

Hi everybody!!

Since I play the mod part of Enlisted the Barret gives a black screen when zoomed in. What can I do or try to fix it? Is there a solution? Do I have to download something other than the mod itself?
Please try to explain to me in very easy words (I’m 51, Dutch and pretty good in English but not with computers)

Hello! It seems that devs accidentally removed scope for barrett.

Well… Sadly, but you can’t solve it. Only mod authors. Also they probably still can’t return back scope. Only edit zoom/aim. Make it looks like here:

Which isn’t best solution… Because it’s inaccurate, and the bullets will fly a bit higher.

You can to tell authors that barrett is broken. I’ll write here ways how to “fix” this problem and you can sent this info to them.

Or wait next updates when devs will return scope back.

How authors can "fix" it?

Need to edit gunmod__camNode in weapon entity. And maybe also gunmod__zoomFactor for decrease zoom amount.

Way 1 (entities.blk):

Edit entity in entities.blk and write there code:




Way 2 (only in editor/scene.blk):

Change gunmod__camNode property in placed on map weapons (Set it to aim). After that need to edit customProps. Next to property need to click on +
Add initialComponents as object.
After that next to initialComponents need to click on +. And add gunmod__camNode as text and write in empty field aim. Also add gunmod__zoomFactor as real and set it to 2.0.

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