BA rifle rof perk is still bugged?

I heard some time age that others obeserved that the BA rifle perk that increases fire rate does not work at all. I played lately a bit with my G98s and I was supicious about that they still not fixed that bug.
Hence I made some tests, its pretty easy to get reliable results with the G89 because of the large mag.
I got about 48 round per minute (in the description they say 52), regarless wether the soldier I used had the +12% firerate perk or not.

So I thought I ask whether someone knows what the state of this bug is? Cause it looks still not to be fixed, which is damn embarrassing.

As far as i know it’s still bugged but @Euthymia07 can answer if it’s still bugged or not

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Still bugged, unfortunately

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Hmm, thats unfortunate. I hope the devs sometime have a free afternoon to fix this.