
How about either a Artillery piece buildable by a mortar engineer or an self propelled artillery? both of them work like mortars but hit like a single shot of the artillery strikes.


I would like to impair the mortar by giving it a mounting time. The heavier the mortar, the longer it takes for the mortarman to set it up. As for single arty strikes, they should be added to the radio menu.

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Anyway I don’t look at these suggestions in terms of whether pewepewpewredo’s gamemode should or not have such a thing.


Artillery can’t function like mortar, they don’t have enough elevation to commence indirect fire in such a short range.

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True. Artillery fires in a range 10+ km so it is useless to build it here.

Artillery ia a long range howitzer, it is just not suited for enlisted maps

Lets add small howitzer then. It coud have more flat triajectory
We f want tanks with those like kv2, dont we? So there could be field piece of it in use also


There are differences between tanks and inmobile cannons.
And tanks aeguable do not fit in Enlisted anyway.

but making mortarmen squad usefull in anyway would be nice
adding to them something special to build, just like heavy mgs for mg squads would help


Mortars are and will always be situational. If the sole purpuse of the squad is to build cannons then why do we need mortarts in the first place?

Why do we need mg squads if they just biuld heavy mgs and sit in one defesive position useing it?
You know, now sole purpose of mortar squads is sitting in one place, building ammo boxes for them self and shoot direcly into cap point. It woud be refresching if they got sometching extra. This arta could have small number of rounds and cost big amout of points to prevent spamming it, so it wont be like first weapon of choice for mortarman. Mortars will be needed anyways after while.
Is about giving new ways of playing, not exacly creating new meta.

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Obvious gimmick to promote/ sell useless Moscow MG squads.

As it always was plus smoke shells. Dont see the issue there.

So build a AT gun and still use it in second line as mortar… sounds like mortar used to do except now they have worse range and ammo count.

They may promote them as much as they like then. I am happy that I can use heavy mg in wanilla squads anyways. Who cares where else is it too.

Me neither. But we can add something more to rather boring gameplay of mortarman. Big ass cannon to use for small amout of time would be good start.

BC it will be totally diffrent. This howitzer would have some disadventages as I said. Slower reloud, high cost in points and no replenishable ammo but you will get in return, lets say HE shell with biggest splash zone. After howitzer is used you just use mortar, what is entirely diffrent in comparison. It has more diffrences than just adding heavy mg to f mg squad. But somehow even that is fun and new. There is much more players playing mg squads right now thanks to that. So it worked
Why we should have it? Because we can, it maight be fun and it wont ruin game balance. I will be nice addition to now extined mortars squad.

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Overall, it wouldnt change the current job/ usage of mortar squad, you just give them another toy. Still camping and situational class which exists to clear cps and choke points.

Because the devs decide what kranky features we could get and there is no mortar premium squad which is dusting around.

EXACTLY. Toys are fun. You play a game to have fun. Its the best f reason to add howitzers xd. Why you want to change mortar gameplay to assult squad to be fun? Just make camping more fun to get some playerbase.

They can add new features wishout new premium squad. They can, Iam not seaing that they will. But forum is all about discusion what we want to get. And this is good idea.

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Did I say this? No.

No real point of giving mortars howitzers for no real reason other than fun xd. Maps too small and mortar implies that the squad deals with mortars and nothing else.
Give it to engineers if there is a real urgency.

They can but they wont.

And this is a bad idea (yay more explosive. Like there is a lack of them) for the wrong class.

It sounds like you would like to change it

people play this game for fun. they play fun squads. and we want them to play mortar squads bc noone plays it (at least my point of view). make it fun so they will

let us dream

thetre are no explosions from mortars squads right now bc there are not any in on the battlefield. adding howitzers just add explosions from other sorce. there wont be more explosions in the same time. especially that we make howitzers with limited ammo. but we can take from mortar squads radio operator. actually we should anyway. that will solve problem with density of explosions generated by one squad

Hey fella, sorry I’m new at enlisted, I just wanted to ask the only way to get howitzer is getting new gun for egineers?

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BigAction gamemode?

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