I wouldn’t go that far, but never say never.
Newly added?
Finally some proper balance!
This must be a prank by a russian guy…
Can anyone check it out : )?
I can finally complete my RO2 larp in Enlisted now.
We can get pretty close to an A10 : D
Considering the maps, the Maus is going to have limited use and maneuverability, does that mean we will eventually get super Pershing? Wasn’t the Maus already part of Space event?
As for my 250, that don’t bother me, you just kill the users the same as now (who don’t even use their 100 rounds)
262, well that is a surprise, meteor for allies, new Spit supermarine? To catch them?
Interest I main 4 so if this is five will see this play out.
“With great power creep comes greater power creep”
Search for IS-3 in editor you gonna love what they added and of course that is IS-3 and that’s why we are getting Maus
Only that one is real
Yeah most likely other client leak same with old Halloween event where they had gold weapon skins. But they appeared much later for us
Search for these see if these are in editor
Not in added to the Global client
I see might be for Japanese-Soviet event so its too early to judge we will see but thx for searching them
the only true thing here is the maus sound
but this has been in the files for about 2 years by now
rest is fake
O0o 262!!!
Looking forward!!!
Well then…
Well back to normal I guess also euthy is BP gonna be extended? Most likely yes but asking never hurts
Regardless, I do believe the Maus and all the other goodies will eventually be added.
And then they will also have infantry in War Thunder and Enlisted won’t exist any more…
Maus? 250 round MG-34/42? Me262? And it turns out to be fake hmmmmm someone’s stink is all over this and I probably known who lmfao