Are people using cheats?

Heavy machine guns built by engineers in MG squads can and do easily destroy fortifications. They also have faster cooldown than other MG nests, with minimum practice you can keep firing short bursts without ever overheating.

this is his quote. and that is why i asked for replay to confirm this.

Handheld MGs canā€™t destroy fortifications either, thatā€™s why what he describes looks more like a stationary HMG to me.

Indeed, a replay would be helpful.


i agree, but he said handheld MGā€¦

Dude he joined 7h agoā€¦

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think that only shows forum join, not game join.

and like i said, when someone brings cheating accusations about some really weird stuff i ask for replay. who knows maybe he is rightā€¦

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Bots are the worst in Pacific (another reason to hate that campaign) there are no cover just bushes and some flimsy rare shacks they will shoot through bushes like ragehackers. About human cheaters i had few suspicions not about infantry aimbotters but plane esp cheaters since they spotted my tanks without even being near any enemy troops that could mark me i havenā€™t been shooting anything so it was impossible for me to get spotted.

When there is comments/complains like this 99,9 % of the cases it just bad players being out-skilled.

You could definitely be one of those 0,01 %.

That would be a HMG nest. Their capability of breaking sandbag walls is something Iā€™ve suggested needs to change numerous times, but has not. They can kill break pretty much anything except Czech Hedgehogs.

Thatā€™s bot behavior. Trust me, we all agree its super annoying, but it is what it is.

There are cheaters. Iā€™m not disagreeing with that, my group runs into them fairly frequently. However, most of what you described is just buggy or unbalanced crap in the game.

Oh, this one is fairly easy. You donā€™t need anybody to mark a tank for you as a pilot. In the plane just spam ā€œvā€ looking in the general area of where you think the tank might be. If it is there, it will be marked. There are not many places tanks can go in this game ).

yeah i spam v when i know that there are tanks spawned. at some 2000-2500m you can mark stuff on ground and you dont have to be so precise cause you mark tanks in general area of your crosshair. with mark spamming you can easily get positions of tanks you didnt even know were there.

Remember, too. Thereā€™s an old Murphyā€™s Law of Armed Conflict.

Tracers work both ways.

Yeah i get that, but the guy in my example were no were near me and there were several bushes in between us (it was in a forrest, he was outside the forrest).

I think its more likely that it was a Commando bot

Even though it IS indeed possible that you may actually have met someone cheating, collective experience from long time members of the forum suggests that, most of the times, suspect behaviour turns out to be either a bug or exploitation of a legit game mechanic, which the reporter wasnā€™t fully aware of.
I even made a dedicated thread some time ago, in a time when ā€œcheatingā€ reports were getting out of hand.

In this particular case, I can tell you that it is not really hard for a legit MG user to guess the approximate location of enemies behind bush cover, by paying attention to where allies are shooting and where does return fire come from. Iā€™ve done that myself in multiple occasions. By spraying in that direction, once hit markers appear, the MG user knows where enemies are, and that more are likely to come again from the same spot. So it just becomes a calculated spray and pray game.

played the game since it came out



Hmmmm, not even going to look at that video, but hmmmmm

There will be always someone cheating.

On the overall scale, it does feel like a minority in this game.

Letā€™s hope it stays that way or, one day itā€™s 0.

As long there is will to win at any cost, cheating will be present.

Closed as topic is against the rules