APC Appreciation

Big advantage for APCs, they don`t beep

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The 250, Opel Blitz, and trucks definitely can be APCs

However the 247 and other cars are in a bit more complicated place. They certainly could work as APCs, but they also could work as additions to the rider class.

But then some cars are armed and others are not. With APCs armed and unarmed vehicles work for that class because their inherent role is transport

But the Rider’s role is basically being a MG nest on wheels. The armed cars work for that, but giving them unarmed vehicles would be pointless

So either Rider’s could receive the armed cars, and APCs can get the unarmed ones. Or APCs get both armed and unarmed cars added to their selection, and the Rider will remain just motorcycles

I love APC,as support player it give me joy to my heart,however seems devs hate a bit jap,because even if devs know its the faction with most problems,the free one is like a brick when you drive and windshield is damaged,you can barely drive it,but premium one isnt better,the left and right machine guns dont work and frontal one the camera isnt working properly,to be honest,I fear when they do an event for give japs an apc,it end bugged like the other ones

I like the UC because I can dump it in places that people wouldnt expect… like a hole I digged lmao

I’d like to see some armoured APC’s in regular tech trees - like: sdkfz 250 for Germany, m3 wheeled for US(maybe M20 Armored Utility Car), T-20 Komsomolec (Komsomolets armored tractor) for Soviet
I don’t have idea for japs tho.




It is already mentioned in Na-To’s description. :PP Because it is basically Na-To but without the big gun.


I wanted this one for japan :smile:

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The Type 4 Ka-Tsu theoretically could be their equivalent to the LVT, but I don’t know if troops would sit on top of it or inside it because I’ve never seen what it’s compartment area looks like. In fact I don’t even know if it’s known what it was like

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So we now have APCs armed with assault guns (short barreled howitzers) added to the family.

The question is about the rest of the armed variants, flamethrowers, AT guns, mortars, and AA guns. Do they get added to the APC family or do they get added to the “tank slot”

Halftracks like the Panzerwerfer obviously belong in the tank slot simply because there literally is no room for them to carry infantry. Others like the “Walking Stuka” (a 251) theoretically can carry infantry, it looks like there’s enough space for them in there.

Flamethrowers are perfect for direct infantry support like the assault guns but the fact that infantry will be spawning on you makes it easy to flame your teammates by accident.

I say it depends on how “practical” it’s application would be and what role it’s meant for. For example, some halftracks mount whatever AT/AA gun they have taking up over 50% of the whole chassis body

If you’re in this thing your job certainly doesn’t look like ferrying infantry. So something like this would be a tank slot

What do you think


That’s a yikes and you should try to unlock something fast so you can replace it.

In that case Japs could get this.

300mm of big boom.

we have also the Ho-Ki who I remember hear some have machine guns

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The Isuzu is definitely similar to the D4Y1 bomber in the sense that if those vehicles arent upgraded or assigned with a well trained driver/pilot, it can def be bulky to drive.

But once you compound all the upgrades, it isn’t too bad of a vehicle. I use it in rotation with the Ho-Ha apc and have fun driving around lol

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I wish they had actual truck engine sounds instead of being silent

I agree with you.
I’ve loved APC from the beginning, it’s so practical.
There is no sound, and by using APC, one person can prepare two rally points.
This is very useful when joining a defense team or when the enemy team has a strong defense. He can create a situation where the team can attack from two directions.
Also, it’s fun to have it blend in with the scenery on the map. Try putting it behind an abandoned vehicle on the street. Above all, it’s really immersive and nice to see a truck full of people rushing toward the front line when the game starts.
I would like to see more trucks.


fun fact,I have it fully upgaded

I was sharing a ohoto

Mine had photos in it, just had to open it :sob:

some users are lazy…trust me xD

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