Another Premium squad for Moscow? WTF?

I’m not even mad anymore.

Just disappointed.

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No one is going to buy infantry Squad tbh

Remember all that “positive” feedback when first premium squads were released?


We can kiss Moscow goodbye, with the rest of campaigns to follow shortly after.

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You know perfectly, this guns took there to test it before Tunisia



What else to say, It just works!

Thank you, Todd, for allowing me to be able to buy Skyrim daily when it becomes pre-installed on Windows 10.

I never knew I wanted to achieve this level of bliss in my life.

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I guess my post with MG 30 aged like fine milk :cry:

Well, I hope that Keofox slept well and he is ready for round two! :clown_face:
Sadly, It seems we aren´t done yet.


Feel bad for him tbh

Discord is on fire as well.


Keofox ain’t done anything. He’s not a dev

It isn’t his falut at all, it’s the falut of the higher ups.

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I would too… but with this premium squad I can only say that I almost feel that way at this point.

Of course I know that, he is the one who is forced to deal with us.

Oh btw guys ready to completely skip all the grind for money?

The loot boxes skip the need to grind for guns
This skips the grind for campaign
Prem squads skip the grind for soldiers and guns as well for a large part


why i’m sourprised for half?

no, you know what,

explain me this one, @627636 @Old_Decard

because your dedication time in this game is being replaced by who pays the most?

hope ya are happy or habe a good explanations. because i really can’t.

It just works, it just works,
little lies, stunning shows,
people buy, money flows!

-Todd Howard & Anton

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Worst part is that the player who posted that already bought premium. Take a look at the top right.

Yeah he actually paid for stuff in the monetization test.

Like WTF why are you running a pure test where people actually have to spend money to test it???

Gotta be sure that system works and you receive all the money :clown_face: