Am i officially a wehraboo now?

I have no idea what are you talking about.

Berlin is derived from like “swamp” lol old slavic town, originally. Lubeck also completely slavic town. Look at the map where Lubeck is lol Meh, we should forget nothing.

I mean ok, but what does it have to do with me?

You sound like you’re Polish? But was just talking to myself, really :smile:

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Ok… That’s a bit weird but well, we are in the internet.

And I’m still heavily confused about what have just happened.

What don’t you understand? I was talking about one of my German soldiers, Wend, that’s named actually after Old Slavic tribes. I thought that was funny lol Which devolved into historical discussion(from me lol) about how a lot of Germany was actually populated by Slavs originally. lol this is internets, what? say whatever you like


Oh, ok. That “you guys were not the best of neighbors” part confused me a lot.

You can ignore that part. I misunderstood you.

lol oh, notice no “Crimean Tatars” on the map in Crimea - Greeks, Khazars that’s it. “Tatars” is not even an ethnic term, it’s from “tartars” - hell, or something like that. People from hell, more or less - general term for nomads.

But I digressed, yes I did :smile:

I think i got addicted to the axis side of Normandy, apart for the Russian side of Moscow all the other campaigns bored me.

Maybe I am wehraboo after all, (send help).

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Welcome to the club, buddy

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why i do this to my self, axis side was nice.


Traitors must be punished, you know. Fatherland never forgives traitors.


On NA server after the 9:00pm (rome local time) american starts kick ass in meantine during the day they lose

Give this setup a try:

Trust me one you once had +15% Sprint speed you won’t want to go back!
Also get a Panzerfaust, it is so much fun having it in the squad, if I could get another one instead of the MG34 I would not hurry to do so.

Yes, that was another option to do with Leg stats - sprint boost. The thing is - jumping is also quite good, and fun(weeeee). And it is a survival build, with 4 medkits, so +to medkits vs sprint boost? Meh, serious toss up

But yes, good setup too.