After Update

Business as usual for DF

Update statement:
Screenshot 2024-02-22 213805


Other new issues:

Unlock M8 Scott “Secret” Commander view

New “Wall hack”
(People can clip through doors when standing too close, which you can shoot and kill them)

Unintended “Feature”

This is a 100% bot match that I created in custom game, I built a MMG on the balcony and use it, while using it, periodically there is 1 AI soldier walk next to me and “try” to use the MMG as it is empty, which bugs the MMG by making it unusable till I exit and use it again, I mean pretty cool but is really annoying

The first quarter of 2024 is close to end, I suggest Devs spend a month playtesting and the last month exclusively bugfixing until Steam Official launch


The Ai using trenches is in reference to Player Dug Trenches.

Meaning if you dig foxholes and trench lines, the AI will actually make use of them now.
From what I have seen it does seem to be working.


Um. Yes?

What is the question?

It was a much needed buff. Not many people realize just how much of an impact a change like that really does make.

It can make a significant difference to how many are lost to artillery and explosive spam alone, not even counting those that would be lost to bullets.

No I am asking are you seriously pull that shite out of thin air? Cuz I legit have a picture above stating their changes for AI and didn’t exactly specific player dug foxhole but literal “trench”


You don’t have them on “Close Stance”. You can change how close the squad will bundle together in the Soldier Selection Wheel, along with them being on Passive or Aggressive

Tell me, what does the last sentence of this quote say?

“That you dug”, specifically.

A foxhole is made USING the trenching mechanic.

And as the helper stated:

So they will automatically try to put some distance between each other. Which in this case means outside of the trench or foxhole.

Where is that in the wheel?

The only reliable way to put them in close formation is by assigning them individually as far as I know, and that’s different can of worms

Also you need to redefine “seems to be working”, cuz in practice doesn’t work consistently, and this changes happened 2 times

On Default Settings it should be Y (holding) to pull up the Wheel and then Q to change Formation.

Close is great for small indoor rooms and trenches

Normal (default) will be your most used formation

Wide is for open spaces, this formation should help a tiny bit for explosions everywhere.

It only show me Artillery, poster, need ammo and fire at will or old fire though

As above hold Y button, and you will see like the picture, in red circle.


yep been there ever since they change the wheel a long time ago (also the same update that remove the yes/no i believe)

Thanks pal, will check it

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