Adjusted the needle rocket launcher (?) to level 2

That’s because it is not AT weapon -. - I guess StG should be lowered to BR2 as well, since it has only 0.1mm pene.

There’s nothing logical in putting to fliegerfaust to BR2.

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well i always thought of them as meme weapon. not really useful on any tier, but fun for couple of matches…


Comparing the pen of a “bazooka” with the pen of a bullet….O_o
BR2 still makes sense.

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Fliegerfaust is not a bazooka-like weapon. It is anti aircraft weapon, not anti tank weapon.

Comparing fliegerfaust to bazooka is like comparing bazooka to assault rifle.
Both weapons serves to completely different purpose. :))))


The flieg doesn’t have lead indicator like any and all other AA armament.

It just fails at it’s intended role. It’s a meme tool, like the BerdanII.

Wouldn’t be a problem in br2. The worst it would do is jumpscare ppl.

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Your passion in wanting to be right makes You miss the point, as usual…. You dont get the big pic.
For the devs, it would be a great addition for BR2

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I use mine and I shot down a plane for the first time yesterday. I’ve had them equipped by my AT squad and JUST got a kill against a plane with it.

They should be lowered to BR III or IV.

No, I don’t want this weapon at BR2 and I just counter argued your silly and completely nonsensical argument.

And as usually, when people run out of arguments, they attack others personally. They try to humiliate them in some pseudo way, thinking it will somehow elevate their own opinion.

Pretty pathetic.

Next step is censorship, you could learn from EVA guys.

You are too literal to comprehend

Again don’t Necropost